The rest of your day couldn't go any slower mostly because you were so tired. Most of your student's lessons went on without a hitch, but one was a special education student who was just over-simulated and would not focus on anything. At some point you realize nothing was going to help them other than getting that energy out, so you let them play and draw on your white board. Once the day is over you head into the choir room to prepare for rehearsal as all the student's start to file in and get settled. You talk and joke with the kids making sure they were ready to start. Quizzing them on the songs and the words. It was a fun game you had started at the beginning of rehearsals to get everyone ready for warm ups. Jaxon comes in and the class erupts into a loud "Hi Mr. Miller!". He indulges everyone by taking a few bows saying, "hello yes I am here let's get started." Setting his stuff down he goes over to the piano and starts to play the tune of Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music. As Jaxon plays through the set of songs you work with arranging students for the best sound, helping signal for timing, giving breath reminders, as well as helping the student's work on their solos. After rehearsals you didn't stick around because you were supposed to meet Adam at your apartment to start filming. However, you had to stop at the store to grab a few things first.

Not feeling like walking, you took the subway listening to Sara Bareilles' Waitress Album. Getting off and mingling through the streets you stop at the corner store checking your small list coffee, milk, and cereal because Adam keeps eating it all. Walking up and down the aisles grabbing a carton of milk, a bag of ground coffee, then stopping to look at the cereal selection. A moment goes by and you're still trying to decide which one you want to get when you notice someone joining you on the aisle. You hear a soft unique voice, "Y/N? Is that right?".  Head turning to see who it was chest instantly tightening as you saw her.

Jessa was standing there in an effortlessly gorgeous bohemian style outfit that complemented her long blond hair. Surprised that she remembered who you were from a while back you simply say, "yes it is. Nice to see you again Jessa." She has a curious smirk, "yeah same. Where's Adam?" Trying not to be fazed by the fact she's asking about him already you say, "I'm just picking some stuff up then meeting him later." She steps a little closer and you glance down at her little basket she had in her hands just filled with a variety of things that didn't really make sense together, but to be honest something about her didn't either. "Oh. Yeah well please tell him that it was so good seeing him the other day." This conversation was feeling a little too strange for your taste, so you decide to grab the Puffins cereal and start down the aisle towards the checkout, "Yeah of course i'll let him know." Her smirk grows a little bigger, "also please thank him for me. I really enjoyed our talks and visits over the last couple of months. They really meant a lot to me." You froze in place your mind racing. When did he visit her? Why would he visit her? What did they have to talk about? Why didn't I know they were seeing each other? Looking back at her you go to say something but she cuts you off, "he really does mean the world to me. I'll see you around." Then she was gone. You check out completely confused as anxiety and worry creep through your veins. As you make your way home, images of how the two of them spoke to each other that night while you were on the phone shuffled through your memory. Doubt weighted heavy on your chest.

Getting into your apartment Adam was already there with Peter setting up the camera. You lay the bag of stuff you just bought on the counter and head straight to your room. Adam watched you come in without saying a word and going straight to your room. He knew right away something was off. He followed behind you knocking lightly before coming in your door that wasn't completely shut. Stepping in he said, "hey you okay?" When you came in you had dropped your work bags in the middle of the floor and flopped on your bed. Rolling over you watch him walk over towards you with his massive frame towering over you. Looking up at him you answer, "Yeah just a really long day." He was mindlessly fidgeting with your pants pockets as he says, "We can do this tomorrow if this is.." You cut him off sitting up eye level with his chest, "It's not too much. I promised to help you so that's what i'm going to do." His concerned look was replaced with a big smile, "okay if you're sure?" You grinned and laid back down, "I just need like 10 minutes to chill before we start." Adam just watched you for a few seconds. Something was still off something you weren't telling him, but he didn't want to assume something of you. Looking back at him you say, "you could just stand there and watch or you can join me?" instantly he was crushing you with his weight laying ontop of you. You groan and laugh at the same time trying to push him off but there was no progress till he finally rolled over and brought you with him. The two of you just laid there not speaking. Adam couldn't remember the last time he just laid with someone for no other reason but to lay there and it felt nice, safe, and stress free. You laid there letting the day's events clear your mind. It always seemed strange to you how at ease Adam made you feel by just simple being there. It was probably because you had never had someone just there for you but still it was something you were scared of losing, and that's why you didn't say a word to him about seeing Jessa. You just wanted to pretend in the moment that there was nothing to worry about.

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