Chapter 18

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As Alistar, Aimee and Aine walk down the hallway Dulton watches his girlfriend. She's right next to the handsom singer and Dulton has a vision in his mind, she's standing with him and holding his hand. It's gone as soon as it came, but Dulton sees Alistar put his arm around her in a playful fashion. Dulton's not jealous, but he's worried. Is something bad going to happen again? He walks back to the cafeteria and out of sight. 

I sit with Alistar in chorus for resourse and 3rd block, he's in his element now because he can sing. We have a blast and a bunch of my girlfriends are all over him, especially Fiona. She's a huge Alistar Sagan fan and she almost has a heartattack when he walks in the room with me. Class ends quickly and we go to lunch. Mairin is in band so she joins us for lunch and Louisa has it too, so I'm with a bunch of my friends. I wait in line with all of them and suddenly Travis and Finn walk up.

"Hey Aine, I heard you're back with Dulton." Travis. Mairin and Louisa look at me with amazed expressions. 

"Don't look at me like that, it's all his fault." I nudge Alistar, "But yes I am." I say to the other boys.

"You mind if we sit with you?" Finn.

"Of course you can, it'll be like old times. To tell you the truth I kinda missed you guys."

Travis laughs and Finn blushes, "We missed you too." He says earnestly. We all get through the lunch line and sit down at our table. Alistar looks a little hesitant at the food.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask him, "It's not gonna get up and walk away." I tease. The others laugh.

"Are you sure about that? It looks like you're trying to get rid of me." We laugh some more.

"This is one of my favorite lunches." I say, it's chicken nuggets and hashbrowns with grape juice, chocolate milk and a piece of cake. 

"Eh." Alistar says.

"I know I know, you're used to fancy meals. Well while you're with me you have to eat this or go hungry." I explain. He ends up eating it and liking it. We finish and walk to my locker with our friends. Louisa and I go to 4th block together and this time we don't get questioned. People look at Alistar, but no one seems to care who he is. Even Mr. Ice doesn't care, but then again...he's a cool teacher. 

We get on the bus for the ride home and everyone talks about me becoming famous, but somehow the conversation from this morning is resumed. "So what time can Colen come over?" Matt asks.

"Why are you going to be joining him?" I ask, everyone laughs. 

"Well, I wouldn't mind." He smiles. 

"Forget it, this is my chance. You get your own." Colen.

"I can get it faster than you." Matt says crossly. 

"Both of you calm down, the way I see it Alistar here is closer than both of you." Janelle.

"Oh yeah, you're staying with her aren't you?" Deven asks him.

"Oh, well yeah but..." The guys start to freak out.

"Get some man!" Deven.

"Are you in the same room?!" Colen.

"You are so lucky." Sully. 

"Would you mind switching places for a day?" Austin.

"You guys are like animals." Nathan says and everyone looks at him. "She's not a piece of meat that you use to your benefit." He defends himself.

"You're just jealous 'cause you aren't in on the action." Troy.

"Troy, you couldn't get no action to save your life." Colen. Every starts to laugh harder and I feel tears start to build in my eyes. Everyone starts to come to their stop and they get off, Colen winks at me as he passes and I feel a twinge of regret that I won't get to see him anymore. Or any of the others for that matter, I don't care about Troy or Kurt..Nathan's even pushing it, but everyone else I love dearly. 

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