His Eyes

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                  "Do you think Ahsoka would mind taking Grogu on a field trip or something? You should spend some time with us!" suggested Leia as we peeled fruit together. It was late afternoon and she had dropped by for a surprise visit, while on her way to Bespin for a meeting with Lando. She seemed rather relaxed, with her hair down and wearing comfortable clothes. "No, I couldn't ask her to do that." "You're too nice Luke, you deserve some time off." Leia said as she rolled her eyes, kind of pissed at my loyalty to the Jedi training. "Or, I could train you up and we could take turns in training Grogu, you're getting even more force sensitive just being here." I explained to her with a little heart in my voice. "I've told you, once Han, Chewie and I have finished liberating the Ewoks I'll have all the free time in the world to learn this force stuff." She replied with a loud sigh. She then fell quiet, seeming to notice something. 

"You're boyfriend's here." she commented. "What?" I looked up to see Din approaching us, rather casually. "He's not my boyfriend." I hissed back at Leia, even though we both knew I was blushing. "Wait, i'm not who's boyfriend?" asked Din, now within hearing range of us. "Luke says you two broke up." Leia informed, acting overly sad. My face went bright red and I looked to see Din staring right at me. He seemed a little confused by the joke but played along anyway. "Well, i'm too busy for a relationship. You understand." He told Leia. "Well, I hope you two can make up for Grogu's sake." she replied. I had had enough of the joke and decided to speak up.

"Speaking of Grogu, you haven't seen him yet, have you? He's just taking a nap in his tent." I informed. "Actually," Din replied immediately "I need to speak with you, Luke. Alone." He seemed to be very serious now. He turned and started to walk back to his ship, Leia and I exchanged confused looks and then I followed him, a little scared for what he wanted to discuss. He led me to his ship, were we leant against it with our feet on the sand of the shore. I turned to him, I could sense something was wrong.

"Is everything alright?" I decided to ask first. He turned to me then looked away. It took him a second before he decided to take his helmet off. I couldn't help but stare. I know I remembered his face from when I first saw him, but I didn't know him then. Now, I had a personality, a voice, a light to put with his face. This was my Din, the man who loved my pupil dearly and fought for what was right. I literally couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was so pretty. He looked a little more beaten than when I first saw him, but still the same cool guy I remembered. His brown eyes finally met mine and I managed to turn my face away, completely flustered.

"You, you have nice eyes." was all I managed to say. What. Why did I say that. Why why why why why why why why?! Straight men do NOT say that to each other!!! Now he surely knows, but what was I supposed to say!? He took his helmet off for the first time in forever, in private with me, so he clearly wanted me to see his face for some reason. And he just looked at me silently??? So maybe he was fishing for a compliment!?!?!? He chuckled. "Ahh, thanks. You too." I looked back at him. What the HECK was happening right now.

"You're probably a little confused, Luke. I'm a mandalorian, and that day you took Grogu we had actually just rescued him with the help of the princess of Mandalore. In exchange for her help I agreed to help her free Mandalore, which we just managed to do today, actually." He informed me. "Oh, congratulations!" I smiled, giving him a pat on the back. Oh, so that's why he's been gone for longer than usual. "Thank you. Anyway, since i've been hanging around these other mandalorians I realised that I was actually part of a cult trying to return to the ancient ways for the mandalorians; by taking a creed to never reveal my face to anyone. Bo Katan has informed me that those ways are toxic and outdated, and only mandalorians wishing to return to the savage primal ways are a part of this cult. So, I'm slowly trying to get out of this habit of hiding my face. For the sake of the new generation of Mandalore, and to set a good example. So, I'm going to start removing my helmet around you and Grogu as a test start. To see how comfortable I am with it." He explained, rather slowly. I nodded my head along, feeling overloaded with new information.

"That's great, I hope I can help you be more comfortable around others." I responded, not really knowing what to say. I was extremely honoured he felt comfortable around me, though. He looked over to me and smiled. "Oh, and thank you for the eyes compliment. I haven't had a compliment like that in a long time." "Well, I'm glad more people will be able to see them now, they should be shared with the world! They are so beautiful." I said in a joking manner. We both laughed, and he even rest his hand on my arm. "Thank you Luke, for being supportive with me on this. You and Grogu are realistically the closest thing I have to a family." he informed. I immediately stopped laughing and my face flushed bright red again. He'd only been coming to the island for a year and here he was, admitting something big like that. I knew Grogu was his family, but I never considered I was a part of that family too. I smiled at him as he looked at me, and I gave him a little nod. "I'm happy everything has worked out." was all I could say.

He stared at my smile, and I just realised how close our faces were. It was like we were transfixed with each other, both just staring at every detail on each other's faces and subconsciously leaning in closer to each other. For some reason I managed to gain some courage. "I'm glad I'll get to be seeing more of your handsome face." I whispered. His light smile didn't change, he just continued to look into my eyes. I could feel his breath on my lips, and something tightening in my pants.

"LUKE!" I heard Leia cry from the mainland. Both Din and I ripped our faces apart to see Leia waiting off in the distance, with Grogu in her hands. "AHHHH!" screamed Grogu happily, than Leia replied with "DINNER IS READY!"

Din quickly put his helmet back on, and we walked to meet up with Leia and Grogu.

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