Chapter 2

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Still in y/n POV —

"WHAT?!" Dream yelled,

I was shocked,

"DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Dream yelled at me,

"N-No! I had no idea!" I stuttered,

Then Sam took dream into the prison then locked the door behind him,

"SAM! WHY IS HE GETTING LOCKED AWAY!" I yelled as I banged on the door,

Then Sapnap came behind me and pulled me back.

"Trust me, we both hate this. It has to be done." Sapnap said,

I shook my head,

"Did you know about this?! He's your friend and you didn't try to stop it?!" I yelled,

"With what he did, he needs to be in there." Sapnap said,

"What did he do?" I asked,

"You don't know?" He asked surprised,

I shook my head,

"He tortured Tommy in exile." Sapnap said,

Didn't Tommy deserve it? He did start a lot of wars, and Tommy seems fine, I wanted to break Dream out. I needed to make it seem like I hated him.

"No way.. I never thought of him doing that to him." I lied,

"Yeah.. I need to go..I'll see you around." Sapnap said, as he walks away,

I waved goodbye and I went back to Dream's house, I don't know why I was there I just wanted to look around,

When I got there I looked around his room, then went to his closet and saw he had a whole bunch of hoodies,

I took one and put it on, it was way too big but I liked it, then I heard my phone ring.

It was Sam,

"Hey y/n." He said,

"What do you want."

"I know your probably pretty mad about me not telling you, so I was wondering if you wanted to be the first person to visit Dream." Sam said,

"I would love to visit Dream.. when can I?" I ask,

" tomorrow." Sam said,

"Ok! I'll be there." I said and hung up,

I had nothing to do, I didn't have anyone near me to hang out with so I just went into Dream's bed. It smelled like him and I fell asleep.

The next day —

I woke up to my phone ringing again, it was Sam,

"Y/n! Are you coming? You slept in and the visitation hours are almost done!"

I looked at my clock and saw that it was 2pm. Damn it.

"Yeah.. I'm on my way."

Then he hung up,

I got up and walked to the prison and rung the doorbell,

Sam let me in and I walked into the portal.

"Walk forward." Sam said seriously,

I giggled and walked up to the front desk,

"Why are you laughing?" Sam said,

"Just- Your acting so serious." I laughed,

"I need to be serious to keep the prison I order." Sam said,

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