The tree

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The glass pendant at my throat grows so hot that it burns me. But I'm so excited that I don't even care.

But I quickly grow frightened. The street is completely empty except for one tree in the middle of an abandoned lot. I feel strangely drawn to it. My heart flutters rapidly. As I approach it, I hear a squeak as a boy my own age tumbles fro. It's boughs. I rush to him as my necklace grows steadily hotter.

He looks up at me with the bluest blue eyes I've ever seen. He's holding a glass pendant like mine. My heart races as we make eye contact and at the exact same moment hold them together. They glow red hot as they fuse into one. A perfect glass tree.

I laugh as he moves his hand up to ruffle his short black hair, grinning sheepishly.

"So this is it."
"I guess," I'm mesmerized by the flow of his voice. I know immediately that it's the best song in the world.
"What's your name." I ask unable to break my gaze from his perfect crystal blue eyes.
"You first."

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