Chapter 1: Demon

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Author's note: This is for everyone who is reading my book, My dear girl, for Alastor the radio Demon. I figured I give you all more than one Harbin hotel story to read, to say thnks for the support and to keep you all entertained while I work on chapters for my dear girl. I love you all and thank you.

(Y/N's p.o.v.)
A yawn fell passed my lips as I looked through the TV channels. My parents were gone on a business trip and I was stuck home alone, but at least I had my cat Jessabell. I perked up, realizing I hadn't seen her for a long time.
" Jess?? Here, kitty-kitty!"
I stood up and looked at the time.


I went to the back yard and called out to her.
" Jessabell!!"
In the distance, I barely heard my kitten's soft little meow. I ran in that direction, not bothering with shoes and rnning in my bear feet.
" Jess!?"
As i got closer, I heard voice talking in another language. I froze when I saw a group, dressed in black. One had a knife in hand and in another's hand was my poor kitten.
" HEY PRICKS!!" I screamed, grabbing a large, thick stick.
They all turned to me as I swung the stick right in the face of the one hold my cat.
Jessabell jumped on my shoulders as i got ready to swing again. The one with the knife cut my cheek and the blood fell straight onto the book the had on the ground. The book caught flame suddenly and we all stepped back. In the large flame, a man appeared. He was dressed in white with a cane in jis hand. At the top of the cane was a red appeal and he hand a large white top hate on his head. His eyes open and he looked straight at me as I held my cat. In a deep voice, he spoke to me.
" What do you desire?"
The people in black spoke quickly to him, asking for money, power, amount other things. His sharp tooth smile twitched.
" I wasn't speaking to any of you."
He snaps his fingers and the people caught fire. He walked to me as Jessabell hissed loudly.
" Now, my dear, what do you desire?"
I stood and backed away from this demon.
" I don't desire anything! I just wanted my cat back!"
I turn heel and start in the direction of my house. He reappeared in front of me, his smile not fading.
" Thats not how the deal works. You summoned me, now you complete the deal."
" I didn't summon you. They did!"
" It was your blood."
" They cut me! I only came here because they had my kitten! Thats it!!"
I walked around him and headed to my house.

When I reached my front door I smiled in delight and calmed down a bit. I walked inside and sat Jessabell down, but she stuck to me like glue at my feet. Her hair up and growling lowly.
" You're an odd one."
I froze and quickly looked up. There he sat at my kitchen table, a cup of tea in his hand. He smirks and takes a sip.
" I can all this way to make your wishes come true and you want rid of me."
" Like I said, I have no desires for you to grant! Now go!"
Jessabell growls and hisses loudly at him. He looks at her and glares, still holding that grin.
" I never really did like cats..."
I picked her up and held her close.
" Don't you touch her."
" what makes you think I would and get that disgusting black fur on my suit?"
" Just go! It was a freak accident and I don't want you hear."
He studies me and stands.
" Tell me, my dear, who do you think your talking to?"
" I honestly don't give a fuck."
He raises an eyebrow then laughs loudly.
" You're talking to the king of hell himself, my dear. Lucifer."
My heart drops and my eyes widen. I step back and Jessabell swipes at him. He glares at the cat and growls.
" Get out!"
Lucifer turns his gaze to me and smirks widely.
" Well, should you ever change your mind about making a deal with me, just call my name."
With that, he left. I fell to my knees and shook violently.

This is all just a bad dream.....there is no way I just meant the fucking Devil!

I rose to my feet, Jessabell still in my arms as i headed up the stairs.
" This isn't real."
I got to my room and laid down on my bed. Jessabell curled up beside me and purred softly. I pet her little black head and sighed.
" Good kitty."
I laid there for what felt like jours before sleep slowly took over.

When I woke up the next, everything from the night before felt like it really was just a bad dream. Despite that though, my cheek still stung in pain, and my poor cat still stuck to me like glue. I stood up slowly and walked to my closet as i got dressed in a baggy, black sweater dress. I sighed and downstairs. My head hurt and my feet ached. Heading into the kitchen, I got myself some coffee to wake up. I didn't drink coffee often and I wasn't even that big of a fan it to be honest, but it was enough to wake me up. Jessabell nudged my feet and I smiled down at her. I took a seat on the couch and rubbed my tired eyes.
" I hope mom and dad are okay."

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