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They did have childern.Twins a girl and boy both ferternal.

Mark and Lexie layed in the hospital beds which were joined together he was only seventy years old and she was only fifty four yet they both passed out at the same exact moment.

She was preforming a surgeory when her body fell to the ground right infront of there daughter who was in the gallery as her fell down right next to her.

There daughter was twenty five and currently a resident skipping three grades second,third and fourth.

They held hands as there daughter and there colluges came and said goodbye.

Callie Torres maybe sixty three but after losing everyone she loved Mark was the last to go.

Lexie was the first to go a second later it was Mark but it was in sync.

The furneral was grade and grate the hospital was named Grey Sloan back in the twenties after a horrfic plane crash that almost killed them.

There son the younger twin by ten minutes came in his army uniform and sat beside his sister.

Callie was the one to say the eugolgy:Mark once told me if i loved someone,i should tell them and not be afraid of anything that happens next because in the end he'd be...there,He was right he was there when i yelled at the nurses to Doctor Arizona Robbins i was in love with her she ran at first but then jumped on was magical.Julia and Lucas you're mother and father will always be proud of you okay remenber that.They're with you're uncle derek and meredith and cousin Zola,Ellis and Bailey.

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