Chapter 16

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A bit later
Rebels POV
The train suddenly stops and I look up from my hands towards the others. Ron stands up and pushes me out the way to look out the window. I shove him before the train starts rattling.  I stay sat down while harry sticks his head out the door. Hermione pulls him back before the door closes. I look between them before Ron says "I think someone is coming on board." A black shadowy figure then appears are the door. I push Ron and Hermione behind me before it opens the door. It looks between me and Harry before it begins to suck Harrys soul. I go to grab my wand but Lupin stands up and casts the Patronus charm. It goes away before Harry passes out.

When Harry wakes up we help him sit back on the seat before he says "What was that thing." Lupin quickly says "A dementor, guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black." I smile slightly before he passes Harry a bit of chocolate. He hesitantly eats it before Lupin stands up and says "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." Before he walks out I grab the letter before saying "Professor you dropped this." He takes it before leaving.

When we arrive at Hogwarts we get off the train before Blaise runs over and says "are you ok, we saw the dementor." I smile before saying "I'm fine." He nods and gives me a kiss before moving my robes slightly. I look at him and raise an eyebrow before he says "your scars were showing." I nod and grab his hand before we walk inside.

The Next Day

I wake up and get dressed before running down to the common room. I smile and gab my wand from the desk before running out to the courtyard.

When I get there I see Blaise stood waiting. I smile and run towards him before he pulls me into a hug. I smile and give him a quick kiss before he moves my robes again. I smile and grab his hand before we walk to DADA.

When we walk in Lupin looks at us before saying "glad to see you are eager." I smile and Blaise pulls me into a hug before everyone else walks in. When everyone is settled Lupin starts the lesson by saying "today we are going to be looking at boggarts, Can anyone tell me what a boggart is." Hermione raises her and before I sigh and lean against Blaise, he wraps his arms around me and smiles before Lupin says "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please. After me. Riddikulus!" Everyone does it before he says "Neville will you join me please." Neville walks up and faces the boggart before Lupin says "form a line," I grab Blaises hand and we stand just in front of Harry. Everyone takes their turn before it comes to me. I step forward and the boggart starts changing shape before it becomes Greyback. I immediately freeze before Lupin jumps in front of me and sends the boggart back into the cupboard. Blaise grabs my hand and turns me around before pulling me into a hug. I hug him back before Lupin says "ok lessons over. Rebel can you stay behind please." I pull away from Blaise before everyone starts leaving. Blaise grabs hold of my hand again before I say "I will be fine, just wait outside." He nods and grabs his stuff before walking out. I walk over to Lupin before he says "your boggart, what's the reason." I gulp before saying "beginning of summer he attacked me." Lupin nods before saying "and the letter you gave me on the train." I look at him before saying "It was on the table when I sat down." Lupin shakes his head and sits down before saying "I saw you put it there." I nod before saying "I was asked to give it to you." He nods and says "you can go." I nod and grab my wand before walking out to see Blaise leaning against the wall. I smile and grab his hand before we walk to the courtyard. He pulls me to the bench before sitting me down next to him. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder before he says "you ok." I nod before the memory starts playing again. I start crying before he pulls me into a hug. I continue to cry as I feel him stand up and start walking.

After a few minutes I head knocking before I hear Fred say "Blaise, what's going on." I then feel him pick my up before he starts walking again. He places me down on the sofa before sitting next to me and pulling me into his side. I cuddle in before I say "I want to go home." He looks down at me before saying "Fred can you go and check with McGonagall please." I then hear the door open before I start crying again. Blaise whispers in my ear "was it flashbacks." I nod before he hugs me tighter. I cuddle in more before I hear the door open and I hear Fred say "she said it was fine." Blaise nods before I apparate us.

When we arrive at home I run straight upstairs to my room and jump on my bed before I start crying again. I cover myself with my duvet before I hear someone running up the stairs. I then hear my door fly open before I feel the bed dip. I then feel someone pull me into a hug before I hear Sirius say "it's ok pup, it's ok." I continue crying before I hear Tonks yell "I'm going out for a bit." I look at Sirius before saying "she's going to Hogwarts isn't she." He smiles slightly before saying "we just want to help you." I nod before he hugs me tightly again.

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