↳ ❝ [ahhhh freak out] ¡! ❞

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3rd person pov

The class looked confused at Y/N's new statement and gave her a quizzical look. She sighed and prepared herself for a long ass explanation.

"Imma make this short." she said as she opened her eyes. "Demons are basically suuuuuuuper strong creatures that eat people and can only be killed by cutting off their head with a special kind of blade." She said as she looked at them. "Make sense?"


"They eat people??" 

"Cutting off their head?" 

"Why didn't we know about this?"

"Do the pro's know?"

"How dangerous are they?"

The class continued to make noise as they freaked out over the situation. Y/N clasped her hands over her ears and flinched. 'If Zenitsu were here his ears would be in pain right now-' She let out a breath and lowered her hands to her mouth before inhaling again.

"Would you guys just shut up?!" She yelled, hands cupped around her mouth. The class froze and halted their conversation.

"Thank you." The girl sighed and put a hand to her head. "If you have any questions, please ask one at a time." The class settled a bit and a few hands raised up. Y/N pointed to Midoriya and nodded her head, signaling it was ok to speak.

"Have the pro heroes stepped in to help with these demons?" He asks. The girl shook her head and dropped her hand.

"Where I come from we don't have pro heroes." The class once again began to stir. Y/N cleared her throat once more, basically telling them to shut the fuck up.

"We don't have pro heroes, but we do have an occupation/organization that deals with them." She explains. "They are called demon slayers/hunters. There are different ranks depending on how strong you are." Kirishima raised his hand.

"Are you a Demon slayer?" He said as he looked at her sword.


"What rank are you?" Kaminari asked.

"I'm what they call a Mizunoe."

"What do you do to get rid of the demons?" Uraraka asked.

"We kill them. The only way to get rid of a demon is to cut off their head with a special blade." She motioned to her own blade and looked back at the class. 'I already said that but ok-' she thought. The class just stood there in shock before more hands shot up.

"Have you ever killed a demon?" Jiro asked.

"Yes. Multiple demons." Y/N shifted her weight and sighed. "Are we done here? I have some business to attend to." She said as she looked at Aizawa.

"No. Before you leave to uhh attend to business, there's something I need to tell you." 

"Time's a wasting, hurry up and tell me." Y/N replied rather rudely.

"Earlier today I got in touch with someone who may be able to help you get back." He said. The girls eyes widened and she walked up to him. 

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, but it will be a few days before you can meet him." 

"Dammit." She sighed and looked back at Nezuko. "Is that all?"

"Yes, you may go. Just don't leave campus." He said.

"Aye Aye eyebags." She marched over to Nezuko's box and picked it up after Nezuko climbed inside.

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