Chapter 26 - The truth

Start from the beginning

"Also secondly don't bring my mates into this ok. They also did what they were trained to do, they are heroes and it is their job. The others did it to survive. Bucky was the Winter soldier mum and dad he was brainwashed by Hydra and they made him a weapon and kill thousands and it wasn't his fault. He wasn't in control of himself. The other Avengers who were not a part of Hydra had to kill because it is their job and they were trying to save innocent people from another one of Hydra's stupid plans they came up with. You don't even know what my mates went through the ones who Hydra had controlled neither do I. It must have been really bad of it still scares some of them today. So don't talk to me about my mates. Natasha's is an assassin and did it because she had a mission to complete like the others. Tony and his weapons back then were used against him so don't bring my mates into this." I said

"Hydra is not a good organization. They are bad. They are evil. Steve and my other mates told me all about them. They have tortured and captured and brainwashed some of my mates and I won't let you and Hydra take them again and hurt them. They just want power and wealth and brainwashed my mate Bucky. They also tortured Natasha and took Wanda and Pietro and used them for their powers. They have killed thousands and I do not agree with them at all. My mates the Avengers go on missions all the time and Hydra's involved most of the time and they try to stop them from whatever their next plan is. So the real question is why are you with Hydra?" I said

"We are sorry for bringing your mates into this. We have no right. Yes Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra but to kill of enemies. The Avengers and all your mates are not good people honey. We read their files all of them even your other mates. They are dangerous people. Every single one of your mates are bad people. They have all done bad things to people. We can't allow you to be mated to them. We have to eliminate the threat. Hydra have killed thousands to make the world a better place that's why honey and yes to gain power and control. Isn't that what we all want? Hydra is not a bad organization and it is not a threat and they are not bad or evil. They took us in and looked after us. They are trying to make the world a better place. We are with Hydra because the are good people" Mum said

"Don't belittle my mates. You are right you have no rights at all to speak. You are the ones who left my life and I had to make a life of my own. Don't say my mates ae dangerous. They are wonderful, sweet, brave people, they are heroes and most importantly they are all my mates. I will be mated to them whether or not you guys like it. And now you are checking up on them? You don't get to tell me who I can be with. And you sure as hell don't control me. They are not the threat. Eliminate the threat? How dare you? They are not the threat mum and dad. Maybe you guys are the threat. Yes I think you and Hydra are the threat. You randomly pop up at a random time when you had all these years and now acting as if everything is fine. I won't allow you to hurt my mates. Hydra is not good and they are proving my point when they kill thousands and make dangerous weapons to wipe out many of us. They used Bucky as a toy and tricked and lied to him. It wasn't Bucky's fault, it was all Hydra's fault. " I said.

"We have Hydra agents surrounding this building waiting for our signal, you will listen and come with us" Mum said

"Since when were the agents around the building?"" I said

"They have been ever since we arrived. Our whole mission this week was to grab you and you willingly take you to Hydra with us and train yo and make you unstoppable. But seen as you are not coming willingly you are making it harder for yourself."" Mum said

 No most of us don't want power and control, I certainly don't. I am happy here with my mates and I have everything I need. I have love, a family and my mates and best friends. I have a good life, what else do I need? Hydra is evil and you guys need to realize that. Or maybe you guys already know that and want to play the victims? Well guess what it is not happening and I won't join you and neither will my mates. I am going down stairs right now to tell my mates and then we are going to hand you and all your mates over to Nick my mate and Maria Hill  and Ross and lock you all up, you and your stupid evil Hydra agents friends. They are not good people mum and dad wake up and realize that." I said 

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