"fine let's go" George smiled and hopped out of the bed, "well first of all we need to clothes"


"George hurry up, I'm hungry"

"ok Dream, chill"

George said, he was limping towards Dream, struggling to walk properly, Dream wheezed at George while he rolled his eyes

"this is your fault"

"why is it my fault??"

"you know what I meant"

"what? I didn't get it"

George huffed, Dream finished wheezing and picked up George, bridal style, if only his dick isn't fucking big, George thought

But the florida man beggining to walk, George cuddle to Dream's chest as they made they're way to the kitchen enjoying the warmth of it, Dream smiled and tighten it's grip

They sneakily sat to the chair, Dream drop George gently to the chair while he glanced at sapnap who's cooking, they were gal that he was back facing them, Dream made his way to the other chair

"good morning sap" Dream started

"good mornin ya'll, I made pancakes"

Sapnap spun around and showed the pieces of his creation, ready to be eaten

"you sure that's edible?" George made sure and poked through it

"hmm, looks edible to me.." Dream said while sitting to his chair

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "if yall didn't want to eat, the I'm good to ya'll starve, just be grearful that I decided to cook breakfast"

Sapnap looked at his cooking again, "I bet you are tired last night, yall need to quiet it down when you decided to have seggs, good thing I'm asleep when you two started doing it"

Sapnap flipped an pancake leaving the two speechless, bloody red, "h-how do you.."

"Well, I noticed that Dream was not in his room so I headed to yours, I forgot to knock earlier and barge in to your room George, so I saw you two cuddling yall faces off"

Sapnap placed the pancakes on to his plate and started to sat down to the table, it was silent for two or three minutes until Dream laughed

George and sapnap was confused by this until they laugh along

"Imagined being caught having seggs today, *wheezed*"

"shut up Dream, your laugh is making me laugh" George said

"and your laugh is making me laugh" sapnap managed to breathe oit

"you..should've seen you two faces when I said that" sapnap laughed now sounding like an wiping window sounds

"why are we laughing??, its not even funny" George laugh became giggles

While the other two are sounded like objects, the tea kettle and a window wiping sound

They all managed to tone down and it became to giggles, "come on now, the two other cats are looking at us, they think we are crazy"

Dream stood up and went for their foods

"come here patches and Cat, breakfast time" Dream said rustling the cat food on his hand

The two cat sprinted towards Dream, meowing loudly waiting for the fdod to come, Dream put the cat food on each other bowl

Patches and Cat started munching on it while purring

Sapnap stretched and grabbed they're plates, "what do yall want to do?, I'm bored"

"we could watch an movie, we can't go outside because of the pandemic"

George said trying to stand up, sapnap chuckled at the brunet, "having an hard time George?"

"shut up"



"Dream calm down-"


"guys please calm down"

They were currently watching miraculous ladybug, they got bored to the movie they decided to to watch, so they ended up to the 'kids show'

"these two are so blind-"

"tikki, time to transform!"


"where are the peoples??, how is she not spotted yet??, what's next?, transform inside a fucking subway??"

Time pass by, the three continued to watch the series getting frustrated any minute because of it, and-

"oh my fucking gosh she transformed inside the fucking subway" sapnap groaned in frustration

-night time arrived, they didn't notice the time and was too focused on the TV, screaming and frustrated any seconds

"guys it's night time, we can continue this tomorrow, I'm sleepy" George cuddled to Dream's side

"just one more episode George, I want to see what happens next" Dream rested his shoulder around George

"ewww, get an room you two"

"do you want to watch this alone sap?"

"no, I don't want to be the only who's frustrated"

Sapnap placed the next episode to the TV and the intro began, George was tired, he wanted to watch but his eyelids is getting heavy and heavy and minute, he passed out cuddling Dream, while the two continued to watch, screaming quietly so they can't wake George up

Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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