♔︎Chapter 1♔︎

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As Y/n got ready to leave the dorms, she heard the girls scream for the night class boys. She heard some boys outside as well as she sighed and left her room. She had her books in her hand and walked down the stairs to where all students were. She sighed as ahe stood by Kaname who was in the back of the night class. She put her headphones in which were on her choker. She walked out the dorms with everyone like normal. She saw the gates open and started to look at the girls and boys in front of her. She shook her head and started to walk once the night class started to move. She looked at the discipline community girl as the girl tried to get everyone to calm down. The girls name was Yuki Cross who was the headmasters step daughter. She heard Aido start flirting with the girls in the day class. She shook her head as she saw the day class girls run up to him so they can be shot. She looked at Yuki as Yuki fell from being pushed. She walked up to Yuki with Kaname. She watched as Kaname talked to her and saw her quickly stand up.

She shook her head and stared at the girls behind her which looked at Y/n scaried or in awe. She sighed as they ran up to you and started to ask you questions. She was annoyed so Y/n started to walk away. She looked at Kaname who was still talking to Yuki. Y/n saw another member of the discipline community and went up to Kaname. The boy grabbed Kaname's hand as Y/n grabbed the boys hand to let go of Kaname's arm. She heard Yuki call his name which was Zero. Y/n let go of his hand and started to walk to the night class with a tsk. Some girls walked up to Kaname and gave him gifts. You sighed as you saw the night class look at Zero. Y/n shook her head at them and told them to continue walking. You guys continued to walk as you looked back to see Zero scream at the day class girls. He was then punched by Yuki who was yelling at him. You looked back in front of you while walking. She stopped and looked at Seiren on the tree as she sighed. She continued to walk forward as she saw Seiren get rid of the rose.

Y/n got into the class and sat on the window. She looked out and didn't pay attention to class. After a while the night class went back to the dorms to sleep. Y/n got to her room and showered. She changed to formal sleepwear and got in bed. She closed her curtains and locked the door while closing her eyes. She drifted off to sleep. It was soon nighttime as she woke up and got her uniform on. Y/n fixed her hair and grabbed her books. She walked out of her room and towards the door. She walked out as soon as everyone got there. The night class got to the classroom and took a seat. She opened her book and sat on the window while drawing. Y/n had a headphone in as class started. She looked out the window and listened to Ruka's and Aido's conversation while smirking. Then Shiki mentioned Yuki which made everyone look at him except you and Kaname. Y/n closed her book and got down from the window. She walked up to Kaname as he talked to Ruka. She looked at Ruka as she looked mad that Kaname was interested in Yuki. The lights went out as everyone's eyes changed to red.

Y/n walked out the class room with red eyes. After Y/n left she walked around the school while humming. She passed by Headmaster Cross's office and listened to their conversation. She smirked and walked back to class. She sat by the window once more while drawing. She sighed and stood up while heading to the door. She walked out with Kaname and Takuma. She carried her books as she looked ahead. They stopped to see Yuki taking a breather. Takuma spoke up and spooked Yuki while Y/n looked at her. He thanked her as she looked at him than Y/n then Kaname. She stopped leaning on the pillar and ran away. They started to talk about her as Y/n walked once more. Kaname started to walk away as you walked towards the direction where Yuki went. Y/n listened to her and sighed as she walked away. She continued until she saw Zero. Y/n watched as he suffered and she shook her head. She walked to the moon dorms and went to her room.

She showered and got dressed in her regular clothes. She laid in bed and listened to music. She slowly drifted off to sleep until the next day. She got dressed and did the usual routine. She was in the dorm rooms as she was drinking a blood tablet. She was on the couch as it started to get dark. She saw that people started to show up. They all started to walk to classroom as it was night already. She got to the window and sat down. She got her book and started reading. She looked out the window to see Zero and Yuki there. Yuki was looking at Kaname while Zero looked at her then forward. Y/n got up and left the room. While shutting her book. She went on a walk as she remembered two students missing from the class. She sighed as she kept walking while searching for them. Y/n saw two day class students and went towards them. She stopped once she saw Yuki talking to them. Then she saw her take her weapon out. Y/n soon saw Aido smirking and Akatsuki holding Yuki's weapon.

Y/n kept watching to make sure nothing happened. The day class girls fangirled as Aido got close to Yuki. She saw him bit Yuki as the girls fainted. She walked towards them to stop them both. Y/n saw Zero grab Yuki as he pointed his gun to Aido. She quickly moved in front of Aido and sighed. 'Now now, lets not. I will get them disciplined.' Y/n said as she looked at Zero. 'Drinking blood on school grounds is not allowed, make sure they know that.' Zero said as Y/n  looked at Aido with a glare. He looked at Zero while smirking. 'But I already got to taste her.' Aido licked his lips and Zero went to shot him. Y/n put his hand up as it shot upwards. She looked at Zero as he glared at her. Yuki looked at Zero and Y/n while Aido looked scared. Y/n let go of Zero as she heard Kaname. She stepped away from Zero and Yuki as Kaname talked. She grabbed Aido and Akatsuki while walking to the headmasters office. Y/n still heard Kaname talking to Yuki and Zero. She saw Seiren jump down from the tree as she erased the two day class girls memory.

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