The Greatest of Us

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Sparrow stood there in shock and horror as he stared at the lifeless body of his sister Rose on the floor of the seal in Lucien's chamber. Her blood was slowly covering the seal, it looked like a little river of blood moving in every curve and dip on the seal itself. He couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own eyes, his sister, the only person that he had left in his life after his parents died, the person that made him feel safe, the one who kept him fed when they barely even have a place to sleep, the only person that could make him feel like everything was perfect even when he knew it to not to be….she was dead, gone before he could even say something to her...or even see her when she was still alive for the the last time. 

Tears started to fall to his cheeks as he kept looking at her, 

"Rose.." he whispered as his lip started to quiver and as he tried to hold himself from crying out loud.

Lucien who was behind Sparrow, aimed his Steel Flintlock Pistol at the teary eye boy, with smoke still coming out of the barrel from the shot that was for Rose.

"I can't let you live either," he told the weeping Sparrow with a determined but also hesitant voice. 

"You killed her…" Sparrow whispered with anger and hatred in his voice, "We trusted you...and you murdered her!" 

Lucien lowers his eyes to the floor but keeps his pistol aimed at the boy, as he hears what Sparrow yells at him with a blood curly sound to it; Soon he looks back at him.

"I'm sorry." He tells him before pulling his finger on the trigger and shoots Sparrow right through the chest, which the force of the shot pushes him to break the color window behind him. 

For a moment, Sparrow felt like everything was in slow motion, as if the world itself froze in shock of what had occurred at that very moment. He could see all the colorful broken pieces of glass that came from the broken window of the castle, almost floating in the air as if they were caught by invisible spider webs. Then he saw Lucien, who was slowly withdrawing his pistol as he stared back at Sparrow with his greyish blue eyes that seemed as though they were avoid of any life if at all. 

Then suddenly it seemed time continued, he felt that he was falling towards the ground through the air, like a bird with an injured wing falling from the sky. He felt the cold air passing by him as he fell closer and closer to the ground, before he hit the hard stone streets with loud and bone chilling crack; so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire neighborhoods close to the Fairfax Castle. 

Sparrow tried to gasp for air, but the pain of trying to do so was too much for him, so stopped from trying to take in another breath. He could feel his own blood spreading out to his arms and legs, feeling warmth of his blood before he felt the cold and hard stone streets he laid on, soon he couldn't feel the warmth of his own blood anymore. All that he could feel now was a terrible dead cold feeling covering his body, as if he was stuck in a heavy pile of snow from a monstrous snow storm; and soon he slowly closes his eyes, then he felt nothing and could

only see darkness of pure black. 

Sparrow felt a light breeze hit his face as he started to wake up and slowly opening his eyes, at first all that he could see was the blinding brightness of light but soon he could see his surroundings. He was no longer in the streets of Bowerstone anymore, he was in what seemed to be in a small forest that was right next to a side of an mountain; he saw to his right a small of pile of broken sticks in middle of a row of bushes that were against the side of mountain, to his left he saw the dark woods of a forest with a trail that had two trees in middle that was the only thing that separate Sparrow from bring in the woods. He also noticed that he didn't feel the pain at all from when he got injured, in fact he saw that he didn’t even have a speck of blood on him. 

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