Healing A Scar

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"Lucifer," Diavolo called for him when he saw such a rare expression, showing he is bothered by something. He lifted his head, putting down his right hand that was fidgeting with the pen earlier. Diavolo laughed, "What has got into you, you stared into the thin air a lot as of today," he remarked. Lucifer surprised, "..Did it so obvious?," asked him, not noticing he has lost in thought frequently for less than 13 hours. 

"Of course, how can't I notice when you keep sighing and looks unsettling," the crown prince replied before he sipped some of black tea. Diavolo was wondering what made Lucifer acting like that from the very start of today. It's beyond than comparable time that he didn't focus on his work at his office. "Hmmm..," Lucifer sighed again while shook his head to the right and left.

"What is it that disturbing you?," asked Diavolo, concerning on one of his closest friend. Lucifer sighed again, putting down his pen and the other had started to massage his temple. "Why is this bothering me?," He mumbled alone, but he couldn't help sharing his thought to Diavolo. "Well, if you insists," He giving up on keep the matter to himself.

"Regarding to Luna, you should've known about she went to the human realm yesterday since you're the one who gives the permit," Lucifer leaned his back, resting his back to the armchair he's sitting on. "Oh, I know, well isn't she is so happy about it? She jumped and hugged you happily when I said she's free to go to human realm whenever she wants by your help," said Diavolo. Lucifer took a deep breath before continue his words, " Indeed, true. But, ... last evening I came earlier before it's the time we promised to meet, and she was already there, crying.," said him.

"She cried?," Diavolo surprised as the table has turned. "Does she feel sad to come back to the Devildom?," he guessed. Lucifer sighed as he shook his head again. "I... don't have the answer," he said.

"Luna noticed me coming from the back, she asked me to stand still, and when she lifted her face, she gave me a big smile like she always did. There're only traces of her tears by the time I reached her. When we arrived at House of Lamentation, she hurried to her room and even skipped the dinner," he explained to Diavolo. Luna covered it up, showing that she didn't even want them to know about the matter. Lucifer didn't look up for her immediately since he thought of giving her some times to calm herself down. Maybe she could be honest after that.

Diavolo began to fret, "No wonder how this matter could bother your works," he said. He crossed his arm, resting his back to the chair, "How about this morning?," asked Diavolo again. "She skipped breakfast, my brothers went finding Luna in her room to go to RAD together, but she's left first," he added. "Did your brothers said anything regarding to her leave?," asked Diavolo. Lucifer shook his head, "Everyone seems didn't know any about this, since Luna put a considerable reason. Even so, they noticed something is odd," said him.

* * *

"Hey, does everyone meet Luna today?," asked Mammon with his curious expression. "Nope," Asmo passed the question. "Why would you ask, aren't you in the same class with her for few lessons?," asked Asmo back to Mammon. "Well, we're in the same history class today, but she sat further than me like she usually didn't do," said Satan, putting his hand on his chin. "Oh, I saw Luna at the hallway, then she disappeared before I reach her," said Beel before he chugging down his lunch. "..Luna didn't reply my texts too," Leviathan muttered. He texted her about the new popular manga that came out this month last night, but turns out Luna didn't yet reply. "Damn it, don't you notice that she's avoiding everyone?," asked Mammon, he stomp his fist to the table.

"... Oh no way,.." Asmo whimpering when he heard the statement from Mammon. "She said she's got a thing to do from the morning, and even skipped her meal three times," Beel putting down his foods down, thinking if Luna was holding her hunger. Everyone started to look gloom except Belphegor who was sleeping on the table. Satan sighed, "Hmm.. Did any of you come to her room last night?," asked Satan.

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