love and hate

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Ok so this is one of my stories I said I would do and I have done it. I'll still update my other books but in the meantime you all can read my other things love the Author

Narrator POV

The Pride Lands... a beautiful place for all animals to live in equally together. The Sun is rising and two cubs are now waking up for their duties and soon to be duties. The future Queen, Kiara and the Prince, Kion.

Kion is the new leader of the Lion Guard since the last one was no more, Kion was stretching getting ready for the day to start, Kiara was only waiting for her parents to wake up and teach her on how to be a good Queen in the future.

The day went on normally in the unusually quiet Pride Lands. We can only wait to see what will happen next on the story of the Prince and future Queen will hold.

Now! We continue on with the lives of the Pride Lands.

Kion POV
I've been really on edge lately, it's just that I don't think I'll be a good leader. I've always been relxed without a care in the world till I got the roar and became the new leader of the Lion Guard.

The Guard and I were patrolling as usual but got a emergency call from Ono.

"What is it Ono?" I said. "Hyenas, their chasing after Kiara!" He said flying down.

I just stood there, angry crept into me and I told Ono to show me where Kiara was.

I ran as fast as I could, faster than even Fuli could say huwezi.

Once I got where Janja and Kiara were I yelled looking for an answer from Kiara.

"HELP!!!" I heard a yell from the cliff a few steps away.

It was Kiara and I grabbed her before even saying anything.

She was panting, obviously scared but then she started crying. "Kion! I-I th-thought I would ne-never see you ag-again." She said bursting into tears.

I tried comforting her but she was way worse than I thought, I mean I don't believe her, she almost fell to her death.

"Kiara it's ok. Your right here, with me." I hesitated looking at the Outlands. I continued, "Kiara, go back home I need to pay a little visit to the Outlands." I said with pure hate. I swear Janja... you will pay.

Rushing off without letting Kiara say anything, I made my way to Janja's territory.

"JANJA!! SHOW YOURSELF!!" I yelled, I heard footsteps behind so I pretended not to know that someone else was here

The animal then tried pinning me but I got to my paws and stared directly into it's face.

"Janja. I think you know why I'm here."

"Hmm, let's see... nope I have not the slightest clue what your here for."

I was starting to get impatient, my blood was starting to boil.


I felt nothing but anger consume me, Janja's only been toying with me.

"Come one Kion, I thought you were gonna make me pay?"

I was close to nearly killing Janja but I blacked out... a few minutes later I saw myself with blood on my paws and a scared Janja looking at me.

What have I done, I killed both Cheezi and Chungu in a blind rage.

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