Pepperoni, Mushrooms, and Amelia Blight

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She heard Luz's goodbyes as well as Hooty's as she got in her car, immediately turning it on as she then let out a sigh and laid back in her seat.

She threw her plastic bag filled with her clothes over to the passenger's seat and instantly pulled her phone from out of her back pocket, hooking it up to her Bluetooth in the car. She chose a specific playlist and let the music play for a bit so as to decide if this was the song she wanted, but almost immediately, she shrugged and put her phone in the cup holder before driving away. 

After leaving the forest and following the path that led in and out of the Owl House, she eventually made it onto the road and began following the same route she always took to work.

Thankfully, she didn't have anyone telling her which way to go and walk mile after mile in the cold.

The thought made her smirk.

That day was dreadful, sure, but that time with Wionna and Luz held a lot of significance to her.

It was the day Luz met Wionna, a friend who was not from Gravesfield but the Boiling Isles.

When that sunk in, Lucía felt the tiniest weight lift off her chest.

Finally, Luz was being introduced to Lucía's other life.

And once Wionna was out of school, things in the Boiling Isles would finally start to get interesting again.

After stopping behind a red light, she sighed before taking her hands off the steering wheel, eyes closed as she looked up at the ceiling.

"I could be your pretty girl, I'll wear a skirt for you..." 

She could hear herself begin to mumble the words, but as she was about to stop herself from singing, she stopped herself from cutting herself off instead.

I mean, it wasn't like anybody else was in here with her, so there was really no reason to be embarrassed.

She supposed it was just because of the song and its lyrics.

She never really did like wearing any of the "girl" clothes she was given.

Skirts were pretty, sure, but she never really felt as though they were for her.

Guy's clothing was more her though.

She was more comfortable in them.

Still, you would see her wearing the occasional dress here and there at family outings.

When she still lived with her mom, that is.

✰ I'll Never Be Good Enough For You ✰ ~ Sibling AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ