Drake: I want to write.
Drake: I have ideas.
Drake: I open the document.
Drake: I type the four worst sentences ever created in the English language.
Drake: I daydream the rest of the scene.
Drake: I close the document.

Somewhere in the future:
Webby: [Scanning the shelves]
Webby: Have you seen my wife?

Huey: No

Webby: FUCK!


Webby: That came from the wine isle, didn't it?

Dewey: [Using Google]
Dewey: How to heal a snake bite

Google: Levitate and Apply Pressure

Dewey: [Lifts up Ragnarok]

Dewey: Apologize or else.

Trashy: [smiling]

Gabi: Why are you smiling?
Trashy: What, I can't smile?
Steph: Silas tripped in the parking lot.

Gyro: Ah yes, the five love languages.
*points to Scrooge*: My parents never told me they're proud of me*
points to Beakly*:
 I'm so fucking tired please god just let me rest for five minutes
*points to Boyd*: I love Stuff

*points to Dewey*: please pay attention to me
*points to Dewey*: touch starved

Gabi: There's a "lie" in Believe
Silas: There's a "over" in lover
Gus: There's an "end" in Friend
Webby: There's an "us" in Trust
Dewey: There's a "ex" in Next
Cassie: There's a "if" in life
Louie: There's a "hello" in Hello
Huey: There's a "good" in goodbye
Trashy: There's a "i" in Died

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