Snowflake | wilbur x dream | ☀️

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wilbur + dream

What a wonderful day.

The group had all met up in Brighton. Coincidently, the dream team had also been visiting, so why not have one big get together.

The winters there were cold and considering it was late February it wasn't going to be sunny.

That didn't matter though.

The group had decided to have a giant snowball fight outside of wilburs house.

His roomates were all visiting family so they had the house to themselves.

It was Tommy, Will, Phil, Fundy, Schlatt, and tubbo verses dream, George, sapnap, techno, and ranboo.

The match ended quite quickly with Dream nailing half of the other team.

They were soaked.

"There's quite a couple extra rooms upstairs, you guys can go change." Wilbur said, shivering a bit.

Almost everyone went inside, not even caring to listen to wilburs instructions, just so they could be warm.

Will and dream were the only ones still outside.

"I thought you lived in florida, what makes you so good at snowball fights?"

"I'm great at everything, did you really think I wouldn't be good at this?"

"Cocky fuck..." Wilbur muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Dream smirked.

"Nothing nothing, oh look at that." Wilbur said trying to change the topic.

He pointed to a few snowflakes coming down from the sky.

Dream laughed when he saw one land directly on wilburs nose.

"Looks like you got something right there."

He took his thumb gently swiping away the snowflake.

"Dude your hands are cold what the hell?" Wilbur whined.

"Oh come on" Dream rolled his eyes.

He grabbed wilburs hand, much to wills dismay, dragging him inside.

Sooner or later they were both changed.

When Dream walked out though, Wilbur noticed something.

He was in his sweater.

When Dream realized what he was looking at he looked down quickly, grabbing the ends of the sweater.

" you look cute in my sweaters, you should wear them more often."

Dream looked surprised and Wilbur giggled.

He grabbed his hand, interlacing it with his own, and walked downstairs.

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