
77 3 0

[Fukase logged into the chat]

Did everyone die or something?

Flower is typing...
Flower: Yeah, I think so. (ーー゛)
Flower: I think Len said that he was going to Piko's house to "hang out"

Heheh that's gay ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

Flower: Yes, he sounds quite homosexual. ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)

Well, since no one else is online right now, is it okay if I complain a bit?

Flower: Sure, Mad Hatter. (・∀・)

Well, I just really can't stand Arusu right now
I understand that he's worried about me but come on!
I feel like I'm being treated like a baby!
Ever since what happened in the hospital that day he's just been kinda...

Flower: Overprotective?
Flower: Too attentive?

Yeah... I just don't know what to do anymore
I just want our relationship to be like how it used to be

Flower is typing...
Flower: I understand how you feel. But you shouldn't push away Arsloid.
Flower: He's your older brother. He just wants what's best for you.
Flower: Just tell him how you feel about the attention you're getting.
Flower: He'll understand, I promise. (ㅎᗨㅎ)

I guess you're right
Well of course you're right! You're the oh-so-smart Hanya~
ꉂ ೭(˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)౨"

Flower: That's right. My advice will lead to good fortune. ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)

Oh haha very funny (¬_¬)ノ

Flower: It's true. That's why Len is getting robot laid tonight.

HOLD ON WHAT??? =͟͟͞͞(꒪⌓꒪*)

Flower: Heheh just kidding!
Flower: Unless...

Oh my god Hanya... ('-﹏-';)
I got some homework to do before Arusu decides to take away my phone
Talk to you later
And... Thanks for the advice, Petals ٩( °༥° )و ₎₎

Flower is typing...
Flower: You're welcome, Mad Hatter.
Flower: Talk to you later! ( ˘ω˘ )

[Flower logged out of the chat]
[Fukase logged out of the chat]
[Len logged into the chat]

Len is typing...

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