"It's ok, Seungbae told me you were coming today, you're all set to head up. You can take the elevator to your right."

I nodded, managing a quiet "Thank you" before turning in the direction of the elevator. I pressed the button, stealing a glance at the floor levels, still confused on which floor I was supposed to go. The ding of the elevator startled me, reminding me of the fear that began to flow back through my body.

I took a deep breath, hoping to calm the thumping of my heart, reminding myself everything would be ok. But, would it be ok?

I entered the elevator, pressing button number 7. The doors closed while I leaned my frame against the sides of the elevator, taking the moment to warn Seungbae of my arrival with a quick text.

The elevator played its dingey music, my thoughts swarming with what I would say.

"Hi, Yoonbum." Nope to forward.

"Hello, Mr. Yoon." Eh sounds a bit too formal.

I practiced scenarios in my head, starting to prepare myself for what would soon happen in that room. The elevator once again dinged, signaling its arrival, the doors opening at the same time. I stepped out peering out into the hallway to meet eyes with Seungbaes.

He stood in his normal police attire, accompanied with a long brown jacket wrapped around his shoulders, one hand sat in his pocket the other beginning to wave. Seeing Seungbae again was kind of a breath of fresh air, despite the man's intimidating stare, he also had a soft side that I was so lucky to be able to see.

I flashed a smile back, beginning to walk in his direction. He met me halfway, extending his hand for me to shake again.

"It's nice to see you again (L/N). I'm glad you could come." I took his hand in my own, holding it tighter than the first time.

"Yeah, although I can't lie, I'm extremely nervous." Seungbaes eyes met mine, detaching his hand from my own, returning it once more to his jacket pocket.

"You have a talent for hiding your fear (L/N) I'm impressed. I could've sworn you were walking in as cool as an ice cube." I chuckled, suppressing the urge to fangirl at the compliment from the man.

"Anyways, any fear you have, I guarantee Mr. Yoon could double it." I was slightly shocked by the comment, never had I guessed that Yoonbum could be as nervous as me.

"Don't worry (Y/N) everything will be fine, I'll be outside the room the whole time."

"o-ok" I stuttered, beginning to walk in the direction of his room.

"You know, Mr. Yoon has been quite excited to see you, it surprised me." I couldn't help but chuckle, I couldn't figure out if Seungbae was saying this to ease my nervousness or stating the truth.

"Really?" I questioned, not being able to change the sarcasm laced throughout my throat.

"Really, (L/N). He has not stopped asking me for advice on how to talk to you since yesterday." I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks. I had been so selfish, thinking of myself throughout the whole ordeal, never did I even consider how Yoonbum was feeling.

Seungbae came to a stop, me halting a second behind. 245 was plastered on the door, Yoonbums name written on a whiteboard underneath. I swallowed, hoping to finally rid my throat of the lump it had been holding all this time but to no avail.

I felt the pressure of Seungbaes hand on my back once again, this time he rubbed it reassuringly along my back.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." I smiled, nodding my head. I was ready, I'm ready to see Yoonbum. Seungbae knocked on the wood door,

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