"Heads we do not find out tails we do." Meredith repeated while taking deep breaths. For some reason this little thing was stressing her out, it was so small compared to the fact that they are going to to an ultrasound and could ultimately find out their baby died.

"Yes, just look at it Mer, it's a little thing." Derek said reassuringly, he knew she had a tendency to freak out over the little things.

"Ok 3...2...1" Meredith flipped over the coin and just stared at it.

"Meredith what is it? I don't want to take my eyes off the road just in case a semi comes out of nowhere." Derek responded sounding a bit stressed out

"It's heads..." Meredith responded

"Ok, so we don't find out the gender today. We will find out when little bean makes and appearance."

"Ok" Meredith said



Derek pulled into the hospital parking lot and then went over and helped Meredith out of the car. Meredith walked into the hospital slowly. Once they made it to the OB floor, Derek went and sat Meredith down in the waiting room, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then went to check her in.

Soon, Connie came out and called Meredith into the exam room. She handed her a gown and then left the room to change.

"Derek, I'm nervous. I don't know why, I wasn't this nervous with Dai." Meredith said sitting down on the exam table after changing

"It's gonna be ok Mer, I will be here every step of the way. I will hold your hand the whole time if you want me too." Derek responded. He moved his chair closer to the side of the table so he could sit closer to Meredith.

"Please do." Meredith said as she leaned back so she was laying down. She reached out her hand and Derek quickly grabbed it and squeezed tightly.

There was a knock at the door and Connie came in. "So, you ready to see your little baby?"

"Yes, and we decided we don't want to know the gender until bean is born so you don't need to worry about that." Meredith said lifting her gown with one hand, the other still in Derek's.

"Ok, how is your hyperemesis gravidarum treating you?" Connie asked while she squirted the gel on Meredith's stomach.

"I mean, I still get nausea but the medicine helps. Uh the vomiting has still been a problem every once in awhile. Derek makes me drink a bottle water almost every hour so I stay pretty hydrated." Meredith said

"Well, good for you Derek. The vomiting and nausea will probably not go away until birth but you are always able to come in if you need something stronger."

"Ok, thank you. I've gained some weight back too."

"That's good," Connie said while adjusting the machine so you could hear the baby's heartbeat, "there is the baby's heartbeat. Everything looks good for 20 weeks. I just need to check the baby's size."

Derek squeezed Meredith's hand tighter as a tear escaped his eye. Meredith looked at Derek and smiled, feeling all her previous nervousness go away.

"So, it seems the baby is a little small which would most likely just mean that it is a small baby. Meredith you are pretty petite so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."

"How small?" Derek asked

"It seems to be 6 ounces, I would like for it to be about 10 during this stage of pregnancy."

"Is there anything I am doing wrong?" Meredith asked worryingly

"No, there are many factors playing into this. But I believe there is nothing we need to worry about right now. Just make sure you are eating enough and drinking lots of water which I believe Derek has covered." Connie paused to look at Deeke and smile. "Now that's all I got for today so you guys are free to go!"

Connie cleaned Meredith's stomach with a paper towel and left the room. Meredith sat up and started changing back into her normal clothes.

"Nothing to worry about." Meredith repeated out loud

"Nothing to worry about." Derek echoed as they walked out of the hospital, still locked hands with Meredith.


When Meredith and Derek arrived home, they immediately went to wake up Dai. They obviously let her sleep longer than normal because of the appointment. When Derek and Meredith walked into her room, they laughed out loud. Dai was sprawled out in a starfish position, blankets were everywhere, and soft snores were able to be heard.

"Wake up Dai!" Meredith said as she crawled into bed with her daughter, Derek stayed behind watching the sight.

"mama!" Dai said finally waking up, she shot her arms up and wrapped them around her mom.

"Happy birthday sweet girl!" Meredith said

"Happy birthday Dai, I love you!" Derek said chiming in

"tank you!" Dai responded. "Pancakes?"

"Yes Dai, we can have pancakes." Meredith said  getting up and picking up Dai with her.

The little family ate pancakes and made light conversation. All of them enjoying the company of one another.

Later in the afternoon, Meredith started setting up for Dai's party while Dai got dressed in her outfit. Meredith, with the help of Derek, pulled down the blue and white streamers and blew up some balloons. Dai had recently been into elsa so that was the theme of her birthday.

When people started arriving, Meredith set up some games and stood back and watched as the the small children talked and played together, subconsciously putting her hand to her belly. Derek pulled her into a hug from behind.

"I love you Mer. Thank you for sharing my daughter with me." Derek said as he kissed her check.

"I love you to Der." Meredith said leaning back into his big hug.

Meredith and Derek pulled away from each other and went to put candles in the cake. They sang happy birthday and cut the cake.

When the party was dying down and people started leaving, Dai came over to her parents and gave them a huge hug.

"thank you, you guys are bestest parents ever."  Dai said

"Thank you for being the bestest daughter ever." Derek said

When everyone had left and Dai was asleep in her bed, Derek and Meredith went to their own bed and laid down together. Meredith crawled close to Derek and Derek hugged Meredith tightly.

"We really are the bestest parents ever huh." Derek said quietly

"Mhm, I love you. Go to sleep now." Meredith said closing her eyes

"Love u too." Derek said as him and Meredith drifted off to sleep.

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