Tony hung his head.

'Hey, there's enough guilt going around without you piling on more. Loki nearly drowning you, me nearly crushing you. Nightmare wasn't your fault.' Stephen squeezed his hand.

'Everything was about you trying to help me. Him bringing me metal for Peter's suit, helping him with magic sensors.' Tony thought over the last few weeks. 'You taking me to my cabin, having sex in the shower, everything you guys did was for me.'

'Loki understood, we both did.'

'But...who was looking after the both of you?' Tony cleared his throat, emotion clogging it.

'Relationships aren't about who owes who, Tony. There are going to be times where you need us, times Loki does and times I will. We don't need to keep score. However, I think you're right. I think right now, Loki might need us.'

Tony wanted desperately to call him, to speak with Loki and reassure himself that they were going to be okay. He still had no way to contact his alien lover.

Wait a second.

'I think I have a way to reassure him,' Tony bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling. 'But first, I think he deserves our gratitude...' Tony trailed off.

'Is that so?' Stephen leant down to nuzzle the skin behind his ear.


Loki stumbled a little as he teleported back to the palace of New Asgard. He'd been away longer than he thought, exhausted from entertaining, all the smiles, the attentive listening.

'Ah, brother, were you successful?' Thor asked as Loki barged his way into his office, pulling a chair aside for him.

'I believe so. The Vanir seemed agreeable to opening trade with the Asgardians once more. We need to make sure the Midgardian government is acceptable to this.' Loki slumped back, head hanging over the back of the chair.

'Does it concern them? It is an Asgardian policy, after all?' Thor questioned.

'Technically, no, however, we are inviting others not of their world to our home, I think at the very least we should inform them of our attentions, transparency in our dealings.'

'Yes, yes you are right and wise as usual. Would you join me for a drink? I would like to hear what your thoughts are regarding trade with Wakanda.'

'Wakanda? How did you-'

'Friend Tony introduced me to their king. We fought on the same side to defeat Thanos, we both have much to offer the people of Midgard, and our technology is vastly superior. It is a good alliance to have.'


Stephen's words from the day before rung in his mind.

Tony's scared you won't be coming home to us.

Loki stood, brushing away the dust from his travels. 'Can this wait, Thor? I've been busy with the Vanir. I wish to give you my full attention, but I cannot right now.'

I'm worried too, Loki.

'Of course, sleep, I will see you in the morn.' Thor smiled, a huge grin that set Loki on edge.

'What is it?' Loki demanded, knowing Thor well enough to know when he was hiding something.

'Nothing, brother. Go, sleep.' Thor grabbed his shoulder, pushing him from the room and slamming the door.

Loki stared at the pattern on the wooden door, the whorls and knots, darker than the brown of the wood.

Tony's scared you won't be coming home to us.

Ternion (FrostIronStrange)Where stories live. Discover now