'No need, Doc, I understand your concerns, trust me, I've had them too.' Tony took a sip of his drink, glancing up as the Cloak floated past. 'I spoke to Thor, if that helps at all, and he seems pretty convinced Loki has reformed.'

Stephen rose an eyebrow. 'I don't doubt Thor's intentions, but I find it hard to trust him.'

Tony didn't say anything, snuggling deeper into the armchair and sighing.

'What happened?' Stephen set his tea down on the coffee table, leaning forward in his chair.

'I offered him some advice, told him he needed to improve his rapport with the people of Earth. I'm going to hold a social event in New Asgard.'

'You mean a party.'

'A party, drinks, food, mingling, let the people see he's a reformed man...Asgardian...god.'

'Tony...' Stephen placed his elbows on his knees, letting his head fall forward into his hands.

'You come as well, help me keep an eye on him, maybe he'll surprise you.'

He could hear the smile in Tony's voice. He rubbed his temples with his fingers.

'You're not going to believe me on this, are you?' Stephen forced the words past his gritted teeth.

'Stephen, I trust you. But I fought him, saw what he was like when Thor took him away after his attempted invasion of New York-'

'Why are you fighting so hard for him?' Stephen glanced up.

'I heard all about their upbringing from Thor, read between the lines at the rose-tinted glasses version Thor gave the Avengers. Loki...he was a spoilt brat, he fought us because he wanted his big brother's attention, his father's attention. You strip away all the flamboyancy, what you've got left is a scared child, desperate to be wanted, to be equal.'

'He isn't you, Tony.'

Stephen was concerned this was where the sudden desire to save Loki came from, not only from Tony's need to save, but because he was trying to offer help when he was given none.

'And what if he didn't grow up on a world that sought out war and honour, what if he grew up here? Would he have slept around, drank too much, taken drugs? Sound familiar? I had my turning point. Sakaar was his.'

Stephen believed Tony thought what he was saying was the truth. Odin had believed in Loki right until the very end, believed that his adoptive son could make the right choice, that he had some measure of good in him. Stephen trusted Odin, even after the limited time they'd spoken.

And yet.

'I'm going to keep a close watch on him,' Stephen swore, sitting up to look Tony in the eye.

'I wouldn't expect anything less,' Tony saluted Stephen with his mug.

They sat in companionable silence for a little while, Stephen stealing glances when he thought the other man wasn't looking, surprised once again by the depths of his feelings, the overwhelming want to bring Tony over onto his lap and hold him close. It was through observation he noticed the tiny fidgets, the restless silent tapping of the billionaire's index finger against his mug.

Tony was fidgeting more than normal.

'What happened?'

To his credit Tony didn't flinch, his gaze moving from where he'd been staring idly at the ceiling.

'He made a pass at me.'

Stephen felt winded, as if something had wrenched the muscles of his stomach.

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