Ch.28 - Wonderwall

Start from the beginning

And Aizawa couldn't help but wonder as he hung up after saying his goodbyes, had they always been that manipulative towards one of his stud- his kids?


Needless to say Senshi spent the next day off of school, with only slight protests from the girl. It wasn't really school per se, just creating ultimate moves. Yeah, no wonder Senshi was slightly agitated about not being able to train. She didn't want to lose progress, and Senshi just generally had to much to do, and so little time to do it. 

Though one person managed to knock some sense into the annoyed girl. "You need to fucking rest, if you don't you ever pass the exam."

Since when had Bakugo Katsuki had a way to change her thoughts? And not just that, since when had he begun to crawl into them? It almost seemed as if he had wormed his way in like a parasite, and had rid her of any thoughts she could have without him.

Aizawa-sensei had also recommended that Senshi go and visit Hound Dog, to talk about any problems Senshi needed to rant about. Aizawa also had to admit, if Senshi had so many pent up emotions and stress to the point of a literally seizure, it was impressive. But it was also seriously wrong, and Senshi obviously needed to talk to someone.

So, rather reluctantly, Senshi took time out of her day off and went to Hound Dog. Senshi was actually rather afraid of the man -in the least offensive way- purely because he had such a big frame and seemed so brash, but in reality, he was a cuddly dog once a person gets to talk to him.

It was apparent to Senshi that Hound Dog already knew of what happened the day prior, who didn't? And so when Senshi brought up how her parents regularly butted heads, he seemed rather interested.

He never pressed for details, and simply let Senshi talk quietly about the things that worried her. Though he could tell. He'd been doing this profession for years now, there was something she wasn't telling him, and that's okay! Senshi would only talk about it if she was ready to face it. 

(Though Senshi knew that there was a very small chance that she'd even be able to talk about it.)


The second day of training for the first year hero students was Senshi's first, and she had no regrets. After Senshi felt lighter from the counselling session, she had spent some time figuring out what her ultimate moves could be. She needed two to three, and two had been planned.

One was built around using her quirk's energy as her own, it was the same concept as she had used at the sports festival; though Senshi hoped that she wouldn't be completely drained this time. With that, Senshi could create platforms to run and jump off of to effectively knock out her opponents.

The other was one far more simple, making it much easier for Senshi. It was to literally trap her opponent in a dome and then run in and restrain them. Simple, but effective, much like Senshi's quirk.

And now it was time Senshi would actually be able to try out her theories, and boy was it an experience. Senshi had chosen the latter plan to attempt first, it being the less draining of the two. Trapping Ectoplasm's clone inside of a dome, and then running into dome and putting forward an offense suitable for the opponent's quirk. In this instance, Senshi had used discs to shoot at the clone.

 It had gone rather well, and she had asked Ectoplasm for another clone, so that meant that she had to at least be doing something right. Now to find a name for it, ah, she hadn't thought this far forward. So putting two things that went well together and bam, 'Energy Encasement' was born.

(She hadn't yet noticed how people were looking at her like glass, like she could break any moment, and in the near future, she'd shatter much like the vase that held her brother.)

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