Black and White

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Amore glanced outside of her office window looking at the black and white trees outside.

How she longed to see the vibrant colors, so she had heard from Safia, her roommate, the trees provided for the landscape of the outdoors.

Instead, she sat inside her black and white cubicle, focusing on the tasks ahead of her.

Her internship at Walsworf Papers was her favorite part of the week. Monday through Thursday, she interned from 7:35 to noon. Her job was to make sure every last paper that needed to be filed was taken care of. She enjoyed her job. Her routine was mandatory everyday, so she wouldn't be distracted and loose focus.

Every morning she awoke at 5:20 exactly and showered. She then would tame her mane, dress in the best attire, and be out the door by 6:45. It took her precisely 23 minutes to walk to her internship. She would always be early because of her addition of extra time just in case any incidents may occur while making the journey to the paper plant.

Her routine was her life.

She didn't know what to do with out it.

At exactly 12:01, Amore was packing up her work and left the small cubicle. She started the long trek home and looked at the black and white landscape surrounding her.

She longed for color. Just to see it.

The trees were black, with white light shining through the trees, the sidewalk was white and the lampposts black. These shades are the only ones she know of. Her walk shortly directs her home.

Arriving at her apartment, she sets her heels neatly by the black door and enters the white kitchen to see Safia cooking.

Safia turns around and looks Amore's outfit up and down.

Her eyes widen. "Amore! Your eyes look absolutely stunning in that dress!"

Amore glanced down at the dress she had chosen this morning and it looked just like everything else. Black.

"Thank you.." She replied, still looking down at her attire, longing to see the color that made her large eye's color appealing. All she saw was black and white.

Safia starts humming again, looking down at the food. The humming stopped abruptly, her realizing her mistake. She looks back to Amore, who is still standing there, deep in thought.

"Amore... I'm so sorry. I've forgotten again. This is all so new to me. I'm just not used to it yet..." She trails off.

"Don't bother feeling regretful. One day, hopefully soon, I shall see color just like you can."

Safia has found her soulmate. She doesn't have to worry like Amore does anymore. Amore is terrified that she will never meet her soulmate, that she shall never see vibrant blues or soft yellows. Nothing in her mind can fathom what these colors look like, but one day she will find out. She has to.

"Speaking of, will Leighton be joining us tonight?" I ask.

"No," she smiles softly. "I thought we could have a ladies' night instead." I smile softly at her sweet gesture.

She then proceeds to make dinner for the two of us, carefully dividing the quantities between the two of our plates.

While I eat her delicious meal she prepared, I can't help the growing feeling of nervousness. What if I have already missed my soulmate? What if I passed him, but never said anything? Only I would be incompetent enough to do that.

As we peacefully enjoy our dinner together, us watching a black and white movie, I reassure myself with one thought.

I know I'll find my soulmate.

Sometime soon, I hope.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short and slow, but no worries, you'll meet Tymber soon!
Btw Amore is to the side

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