Shark Week

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Lying on the couch you were feeling sorry for yourself, wrapping the blanket tighter around your body you adjusted the hot water bottle hoping it would start to ease your cramps. Lying in the dark you absentmindedly watched Captain America- Civil war, glancing at your phone you checked to see if you had gotten a reply from your boyfriend Sebastian. Sighing as you looked down at the picture of you both, you missed him terribly. Dealing with the bad stomach cramps that came along with you period all you wanted to do was sit in Sebastian's arms. Sadly, he had been working constantly and you hadn't seen him for around a week.

Smiling as Bucky came onto the screen there was only one way for you to get your Sebastian fix, mumbling his lines along with him you sighed dramatically as you adjusted your position on the couch. Watching his scenes as he ran you smiled as his long hair blew out behind him in the wind, giggling as you fell more in love with Bucky you would never admit it to Sebastian. Raising your brow as someone knocked on your front door you swore under your breath as you pulled yourself from the couch. Wrapping the duvet around your small frame you called out to your visitor as you made your way to the door, unlocking it you pulled it open smiling instantly as Sebastian stood on the other side with his brow raised.

"Hey babe..." He smirked as he opened his arms

"Seb! What are you doing here" You smiled, grabbing hold of his shirt you pulled him to your body

Wrapping the duvet around his body you hid your face in his chest, taking a deep breath in you smiled instantly as his scent engulfed you. Kissing the top of your head he slowly walked you backwards into the house, kicking the door closed behind him he kissed the top of your head as he walked you both back into the living room.

"Babe...Are you...Are you feeling, ok? It's pitch black in here; you have Civil war playing and....oh....ohhh babe! Why didn't you say it was shark week" Sebastian smirked as he tried not to laugh as he spotted the snacks and hot water bottle. Hitting his chest, you groaned as you tried to pull out of his embrace

"Why do you call it that? It isn't funny Sebastian I feel like my insides are being ripped out" You groaned as he tightened his arms around you, sitting down on the couch he pulled you into his lap.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of babe. It's a perfectly normal female thing to go through I just prewarned me. I've stepped foot in the dragons den!" He joked, not being able to hold back his laugh he squeezed your sides as he dropped his head back laughing

Groaning loudly, you hid your face in his neck, hitting his chest again he sniggered as he kissed the top of your head. Mumbling into his neck you kept your eyes closed, raising his brow in confusion he paused the TV.

"Y/N I can't hear you...what is it?" He breathed as he tried to look down at you

"Cramps...I want fuck me I'm so horny I could ride you right here if I could" You mumbled, opening his eyes wide Sebastian's hand stopped rubbing your back

"You what...You're horny?" He asked hesitantly, groaning loudly you moved off of his lap. Lying down on the couch you rested your head in your hand as you slowly dragged your eyes over his body

"Very...And there's nothing I can do about it. I mean, have you looked in the mirror" You blushed, blushing Sebastian rubbed his face blushing at your comment


"I know I know...Shark week" You mocked

Pulling you back to his chest he wrapped his arm around you, resting your head on his shoulder you sighed loudly as he pressed play on the movie. Trailing his fingers over your arm you smiled as you watched Bucky fight with Spiderman.

"You know...maybe you should clear your calendar for next week because I have a lot of "us" time planned"

"Y/N... what are you planning in that dirty little mind of yours" He laughed

"Oh, you'll see Seb you'll see"


Just a little bit of fluff- I love Fluffy Seb and feel like he would make a great cuddle buddy whilst you weren't feeling your best!

Any requests send them my way!

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