The start of a journey

Beginne am Anfang

After that they met nacth in the forest for training.

Nacth : All right, i'm gonna train you for 7 years until the magic knights entrance exams. And when i'm done with you, you're gonna be as powerful as me got that ?

Asta/Liebe : yes sir

(training montage)

Year 1-2

Asta and Liebe discovered the demon slayer sword. They started training with it and found out that they can fly on it like a broom. They also discovered that they could increase the size of the sword, They call it 'Black divider'

Year 3-4

Nacth took asta and liebe to a dungeon. 

Asta : Why are we in a dungeon ?

Nacth : You'll see

Then they arrive at a vault, asta opens it with his demon slayer sword. They see another anti-magic sword. Asta takes it and names it th demon dweller sword. They discovered that they could create ranged attacks using anti-magic. They also created a spell using this sword that allows them to send a ray of anti-magic towards their opponent.

Year 5-6

In this year, they found the last sword. The demon destroyer sword. This sword could reverse the effects of poison-spells making them immune to them. They also found out that the sword could reverse reincarnation spells, making it super powerful. They also found out they could reverse fate. They also started to work on the devil union mode. By the end of the year they could control about 35%.

Year 7

By this year asta and liebe learnt how to use mana zone. In 2 months they were able to perfect it. They also learnt a bunch of other magic spells that could help them in battle. In this last year they perfected their devil union and could use 55%. They also found out that the grimoire chose them to be it's owner. They fought againts nacth in time to time, in the last battle they managed to win againts him.

(Training montage end)

Nacth : Well that's all i can teach you, from now on you gotta learn by yourself.

Asta/Liebe : Thanks dad

Nacth flinced, Asta and liebe realized what he just said.I

Asta : Ahhh, i'm so sorry. I'm so sorry i didn't mean to. It's just that i kind of see you as my father figure.

Liebe : Yeah me too.

Nacth was trying to hold back his tears, He couldn't believe his sons called him dad. They didn't know it, but it meant more to him than the whole world.

Nacth : i-it's ok, anyways we better eat the food's getting cold.


Nacth : Have you heard the story of the Knight and the cursed woman

Asta : No, what kind of story is it ?

Nacth : It's a story about a knight, he was powerful, but he wasn't well known. He didn't like the poppularity given to him so he worked in the shadows. The knight was on a mission to a village there he saw someone. He soon met a woman, she was beautiful. She captured the knights  heart. The knight walked up to the woman and introduced himself. They started talking and before they knew it they fell in love. They lived together, but the woman soon revealed that she was cursed. The knight was surprised but still loved her nonetheless. The knight revealed that he also had a powr that wouldn't let him fall to her curse. They had 2 boys and that's it.

Asta : THAT'S IT??!!

Nacth : Yeah what were you expecting ?, Happily ever after ?

Liebe : Maybe

Black clover : The adventure of Asta and LiebeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt