𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐢/𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚🌺 - Missing Brother

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This was Requested by; Deniseberryy sorry for the long wait btw

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This was Requested by; Deniseberryy sorry for the long wait btw


Hori slowly woke up from her afternoon nap her little brother suggested to take, but when she woke up, the house was quiet, to quiet to be precised. So the brown haired girl grew worried and decided to search around for her little brother.

"Souta!" After searching in his room, she found nothing, same for the kitchen, dining area, and living room, he was nowhere in sight, and Hori grew worried, what if her mom found out she somehow lost her little brother? She would be in big trouble. 

Hori then remembered a certain someone, so she decided to call Miyamura and check in with him. She dailed his number and sat the phone near her ear, bouncing around in one area in a panic. "Pick up, please pick up-" Then Hori could hear Miyamura's voice on the other side of the phone. 

"Miyamura! Have you seen Souta-" "Yes, he's at my house," Hori's eyes widen and she sighed in relief. "He must've found your address that you wrote down for me..thank the lord.." Hori put her hand over her chest, like she just had a heart attack. 

"I'll be over to pick him up, please let him know" "Sure thing, see you soon" Hori nodded and hung up, grabbing a small bag and packing some things, you know just in case. Ounce she was done, she grabbed her keys and went out the door, locking it when she leaves. 


She soon makes it to Miyamura's house, she steps on his porch and knocks on her friend's door. Seconds pass and the door knob turns, and then the door opens revealing Souta and Miyamura. "Hori!" Souta laughed and ran to his sister, giving her a hug.

"Souta! You scared me, don't ever leave me like that again!" Hori pulled her brother into a hug and smiled brightly, and when Miyamura saw her look, he smiled down at them and blushed lightly. 

"Thank goodness your ok," Hori pulled away and ruffled Souta's hair. "Thanks for taking care of him Miyamura," Hori looked up at her friend and smiled, and Miyamura smiled back. "Um..Hori..Can we pleeease stay the night here at Miyamura's place! It's so cool here!" Miyamura laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "It's not THAT cool..."

Hori giggled and sighed. "Sure, why not?" Hori stood up and grabbed Souta's hand, dragging him back inside Miyamura's house. "Make yourselves comfortable I guess" Hori looked around and blushed, Miyaura's house was like any other, plain and simple, just like hers, but the set up was cute to the girl. 

Souta ran back into a room he was previously in before Hori showed up, and then Miyamura laughed and shook his head. "You have an adorable little brother" Hori nodded and smiled. "He's a handful, but I love him," 

For diner, Miyamura ordered some take out for the three of them, Souta thought it was delicious, which made the man happy that he liked it, Hori and Miyamura thought it was ok food but still ate it anyway. 

Then after, they watched a movie with popcorn, a scary movie to be precised, not to scary that Souta would have nightmares, like a horror/comedy. One that was exciting and funny. Soon, the movie was over and it was time for Souta's bedtime, so Hori asked Miyamura where he could sleep, and he said that they could make a bed for him on the floor with blankets, and Souta actually enjoyed that idea. 

Hori and Miyamura get the bed together and starts to have a mini pillow fight, but then they snapped out of it and got back to business. "Alright time for bed," Hori patted the blanket mattress and Souta plopped onto it and laughed. 

"Tonight was fun! Thank you Hori!" hori smiled and laughed. "Your welcome, good night Souta" Souta covered himself up and laid down, quickly drifting off to sleep. Hori smiled and laid down on the couch, grabbing a blanket and getting comfortable. 

"Thank you for making today exciting for Souta, he loved it" Miyamura nodded and looked down, trying to hide his blush. "No problem..well um, goodnight" Hori smiled and nodded. "Goodnight Miyamura," The boy nods and walks into his bedroom, closing the door behind him, and of course turning off the living area's light before closing his door. "Night Souta.." Hori yawned and rubbed her eyes before slowly drifting off to sleep. 




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