Who is X.D. ?

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    A former soldier from a military, lost from a fight and all his men got killed except him making him to an experiment to turn him to a weapon of war, a nano of the old Imitator (if anyone knows of watched The imitator collab) was injected in X.D but the injected one was more upgraded able to imitate anyone at free will, and has more experience over the powers they may take or copy. Weapon is a dagger that can morph to different kinds of weapons although there is a pattern for that shit. Like I said any kind of weapon except their is a limit to how many, so here is the pattern or the weapons.

Dagger: the size is small so, weapons it can turn to are: a pistol, and knife.

Scythe: If it is still in a base weapon of a small size he needs to morph it back to a dagger to turn into a Scythe. Based by the size it is long: sword, sniper, shotgun, katana, one-handed type weapons with a blade.

Two-handed Axe: still needs to turn back to a dagger to morph to this weapon, it is large so, it can only turn to a two-handed sword.

   So those are only the weapons. When imitating someone it's not just who he sees with his eyes, but if he decided if he turns to them or not, so he has numerous pictures from the clan (he was captured in) of different images of people with abilities and capabilities. For example he has an image of Yoyo, he can turn to them, although he still has his dagger, he can turn that dagger to a yoyo, and only those two kinds of weapon. With quick knowledge he knows how the weapon works.

   That's pretty much it, story will be out soon.

RHG OC: X.D/Xavier D. Where stories live. Discover now