Chapter 1: Encounter

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  (Duel: X.D vs Bog)

Bog, a sentient creature that lurks the swamp, and eats flesh for food and energy, this creature can also take control of anyone's body if not careful.

Extra information of X.D:

Age: 17 years old
Places he likes to go: Forests or the river
Hobbies other than fighting and killing: Reading books, and making new weapons
Other titles: 'The Syndicate'

   -Somewhere in a forest-

-play music-

   A 17 year old boy is now walking at the swamp with boredom hoping he could have some action since he never had a single fight for a week. Out of nowhere his boot hit something squishy and cold. He looks down to see a dead cold corpse infested with flies, he investigates it only to see that this person was eaten by something. His lips curves up a smile now he is sending a bit of action here. He takes out his dagger and morphs it to a sword, and starts to move to find this creature, soon a human or someone jumps at X.D, he uses his sword as he tries and cut through them but somehow his sword almost got stuck, but he pulls out his sword quickly. He regains his posture and stares at the creature as it twitched and turns as it regenerates and at the same time it's bones breaking or snapping making it's body be forcefully regenerate.

   The creature soon turned it's head as it snapped it's neck not minding the pain only to be staring at it's prey. X.D sighs and turns his sword to a dagger then to a scythe, and it was mixed with a long gun barrel with a trigger at the end where the handle is. He attacked as the creature dodged it, the thing turns it's hands to a sharp blade to try and impale the boy but it didn't it missed and once more it is met with a blade to cut them in half.

You know, I never got your name. But something as disgusting as you.... Should die.

    He spoke as he morphed his scythe to a long sword. The creature screeches as it tries to attack again, now it uses it's pets to attack, X.D slices both but he let his guard down, he feels a burning pain on his left leg, he ignores it and throws the sword to the creature. He then ran and took the sword and uses his right to step on it's hear and boost himself up on the air. He then turns his sword to a great sword, heavy but very painful once you take an impact from it. He stabs the creatures head, but he noticed it was a decoy, he quickly feels his head fall down to the ground he didn't expect it as his face hits the ground.

  The creatures mouth widens in attempt to eat it's meal but it suddenly got shot with 5 bullets. It looks down to it's prey seeing the weapon automatically attacked them. X.D took his weapon that is now a shotgun, and shoots the creature's head. He sees how it slowly regenerates when he shoots the head, so he shot it again, and again. He uses a spell 'gravity chains' and traps the Bog in a forceful gravity, X smiles and now he turns his weapon to a great sword again, he throws it and with the gravity spell combined it dropped like a missile to the creature.

   He checks to see it is still alive, he can tell it is slowly regenerating. It seems that he can't stop it. So he left.
Hours later he get to his apartment and rests while listening to the news, his weapon laying on the corner, out of nowhere he hears about the creature he encountered on the news. And it goes by the name 'Bog', well now he knows it's name, he would visit it, and thought to himself about turning the thing to a training dummy. But he has other plans, for now he is just going about in the lands of Cier as a Syndicate. He goes by two titles, The Imitator, is bland and boring for him. But 'The Syndicate', it fit him much better, he looks outside as he sees the moon on his view, he smiles seeing the beauty and the view of the city.

RHG OC: X.D/Xavier D. Where stories live. Discover now