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3 months later
Schlatts POV:
Tomorrow is Tubbos birthday so Minx, Quackity and I decided it would be a good idea to get him something. Even though he probably wouldn't even know it was his birthday, he is only turning 2 after all. "Hey Schlatt didn't Tubbo mention something about bees that one time at the park?" Quackity was right. Tubbo had talked about bees quite a lot, let's see if that sticks when he gets stung. "Yeah he has, almost on the daily" "Well then get him something like a bee plushy." Minx suggested. "Oh here's a bee plush in the window of this store!" Quackity jumped. Minx and I followed Quackity into the store and we bought the bee. "Let's pick up McDonald's" Minx said taking out the car keys from her pocket. "FUCK YEAHHH" Quackity yelled
3rd person POV:
Schlatt waved goodbye to Minx and Quackity and walked inside the daycare where he had left Tubbo. "He ate a fucking crayon." One of the workers said trying to act serious but couldn't stop laughing. "My god" Schlatt mumbled and chuckled. Schlatt found Tubbo and walked him to the car. "So how was it?" Schlatt asked Tubbo, who was focused on a paper in his hand. "It was fine, I made this picture with crayons!" Tubbo showed the paper which had a drawing of a small bee. "That's great buddy, whatcha do with the crayon?" Schlatt asked trying not to laugh. "I ate it!" Tubbo said, oddly proud of eating a crayon.
Soon Schlatt and Tubbo got home and Schlatt hung up the bee picture on the fridge. Schlatt went to the room to go and check on Tubbo, only to see him drawing another picture. "Whatcha drawing?" Schlatt peeked over Tubbos shoulder. "The tv!" Tubbo said, showing Schlatt the picture. The picture had a stick figure in a box, with a chat bubble coming from the stick figure saying, "Fuck!" Schlatt tried his best not to laugh at this, "Maybe don't show this one at daycare." Schlatt laughed "okayyy" Tubbo continued working on his picture. Schlatt left the room and went to go watch tv, when he turned on the tv the first thing he heard was, "Fuck!" Schlatt broke down laughing.

A/N: it's 11:40 at night so technically it's still the weekend and I can update, I might be updating during the weekdays out of boredom, but I'm still not sure and not on a proper updating schedule. Thank you for reading :]

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