Though after letting the electric user go and giving a certain red-head a wad of cash, Senshi understood him; which was honestly relieving. Senshi had had enough of not understanding, so really, seeing her class was a relief.

Actually walking inside of the dorm was a much different experience than being outside of it. The inside was a rather minimalistic designed; most likely for budget reasons. To add on to that, there were tall windows that let in a lot of natural light, and if that's not enough, there's also a courtyard. 

"Living quarters start on the next floor four boys and four girls on each level, everyone gets their own room, you should be comfortable. You've got your own AC, toilets, fridges and closets." Aizawa-sensei explained.

"We have balconies!" Midoriya marvelled

"It's about the same size as my closet at home but I'll manage." Yaoyorozu sighed.

"It's the size of my house." Uraraka said passing out on the floor.

The dorm rooms themselves were roughly about the same size as Senshi's bathroom in her house, but Senshi wasn't focusing much, her mind elsewhere. 

She had to give up piano. Not because she wanted to, and she would still practice alone, but seeing as she was in the dorms now, it would be extremely inconvenient for Senshi to travel home at least five times a week. Not being able to see her Nana did once again bring a slightly homesickness to Senshi, though not to her house, but to the people she actually loved and would miss.

Senshi mindlessly walked around with the tour for the fifteen minutes that it lasted, her black hair in a messy bun at her neck. Senshi's skin was no longer pale with exhaustion, but her eyes showed that she was constantly thinking about something that wasn't what she should be thinking about.

Next step, decorating her dorm.

Her bed was up pushed against the corner, though most importantly, Tsuki's bed was on the floor at the bottom of her bed; though half the time the feline didn't even use it. Her bedsheets were white, though she did have a blue fluffy blanket that she folded at the end of her bed. 

In Senshi's opinion, a keyboard will never live up to being a piano. It just doesn't feel the same, but it will have to do because quite frankly, there isn't space for a piano if Senshi wants to be able to move.

Senshi had a dark brown wooden desk, the colour matching her bed frame. On said desk she had two of her favourite trophies plus her sports festival medal, as well as this, it was mainly simple school stuff, such as a laptop, books, and anything  else Senshi deemed necessary; that being a small plant.

Now, unpacking her clothes, where to begin. Senshi had quiet a lot of clothes, not an  crazy amount, but due to figure skating she had not only training clothes but competition dresses. And then she had to put and training equipment in her closet somehow, it was very cramped, but it worked.

Senshi made sure that Tsuki had his collar on, and then opened the door to the balcony, Tsuki seeming quiet fond of it. Tsuki wasn't an outdoor cat, but he of course did like go outside sometimes. Therfore, on the balcony, Senshi put a little mat, just incase.

What! Maybe Senshi spoiled him a little, but with all the times Tsuki had been there fore Senshi, he deserved it. Senshi had changed from her school clothes into casual clothes before she started decorating, her 'casual' cloths consisting of the UA training uniform pants, and a plain lilac shirt. 

Senshi sat on her bed, Tsuki having fun with a cat toy that Senshi had brought from her house. Senshi simply found that watching her cat was actually really therapeutic, seeing someone else have fun, the person being so cute no less.

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