Chapter 10: Nightfall

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(A/N- I found this pic on Pinterest so creds to the artist. ALSO! Smidge of sensuality here. Proceed with a bit of caution)

Night had now fallen, and the whole venue was illuminated in these beautiful lights, with music playing from the games and the faint cheering of the people on rides. You went on the Ferris wheel with him, laughing about Tanakas face when he fell asleep on the merry go round.

Now Noya was taking you on another ride that he said Asahi probably couldn't handle. Maybe from afar it hadn't looked so bad, but now that you could hear the yelling it seemed scary. It was called "the zipper", and it went at an incredible speed, going around in circles while the carts twirled at the same time.

Noya bounced up and down in line, and you couldn't refuse it just to see the look of happiness in his face. He was one of those people with a contagious smile, where just looking at him could make your heart melt.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"In some ways more than others" you gulped as you got to be the first people in line.

He opened the cart door for you, and you got on, he followed suit. The man on the outside lowered the bar and locked the door with a clang, you could hear the whirr of the machine as the cart went up. It stopped, there were still more people who needed to get on before the turn.

You shook your head as you thought about fleeing heavy thoughts. Maybe the roller coasters at the carnival weren't the ones you wanted to ride. Once again, gutter ALERT. 🛑🛑🛑

You looked outside, seeing the high rises and the Ferris wheel. Going around slowly, and the lights were all colorful.

It took you a minute to feel a hot breath on your neck

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It took you a minute to feel a hot breath on your neck. Your eyes traveled to your thigh, where his own pressed against. His hand was at the edge of his own, a mere centimeter away from yours. There was heat pooling between your pressed legs, it dripped down your legs.

The car really was compact, you were shoulder to shoulder with him. For some reason this felt like the rise right before the roller coaster dropped. All you could hear now was his slow breath, and your own.

You looked slowly up to his lips, they looked so tempting. Once you met his eyes they seemed to rake over you. A light coming from outside mixed with the red seat cushions made his skin glow red. The area between your thighs pulsed, and you struggled to restrain a whimper from the mere possibility.

It might have been the closeness but you felt your body burn all over, tickling at the need to be touched. Everything seemed so still, as if words were being spoken but it was just silence. The tension was so thick it could be cut with scissors. In the moment you weren't thinking, seemingly leaning closer and increasing the mixture of breaths.

There was a growing whirr from outside and he snapped out of it, taking your hand from shock

"Get ready!" He said before the ride started spinning. You squeezed his hand, using your other to hold in front of you. Beyond your messy hair and the screaming from the other passengers you heard his laugh. It was full of thrill and vibrancy.

In the spinning ride with the blurry outside all you could look at were his eyes. They still glowed, an open smile painted in his face. Nothing made you happier than the feel of the twisting, joyful sensation he made you experience. You laughed too, loving him next to you, inspiring you and giving you life.

When the ride ended both of you panted exhaustively, trying to catch the breath from your excitement. His hand still held yours, and you blushed. Luckily he didn't notice, the red still reflected on you too, camouflaging it.

Once you got out he dragged you to a stand. Your head still felt dizzy and you shook a bit, he saw it.

"Wanna take a break?" He asked as he bought some snacks. You just nodded and sustained your head as it spun. "I know that's a tough ride, it was pretty heated" he admitted. "Asahi can't even go on that one, he says it's probably the fastest". You have him a soft smile. "Maybe I shouldn't have taken you, I mean it is your first time".

"Hey!" You pouted, your head feeling better "I think I handled it pretty well thank you very much" you said pointing your chin up and let go of his hand to cross your arms.

"I don't know y/n, you seemed pretty dizzy even before the ride" he mocked.

You blushed furiously "oh shut up" you snarked back. He stuck his tongue out at you and sat down at a nearing bench. It was darker there, but there was a clear view of the rest of the carnival.

"Come sit" he patted at his side. You sat down, keeping your arms crossed. He turned away for a second to pull out a small pink box, waving it in your face.

"Wanna play a game?" He teased. You alternated your eyes from the pocky box and his smirk, your cheeks heating up again. It was definitely an offer you had to be a fool to refuse.

"Sure" you tried saying calmly.

If you don't want to that's fine too" he broke the box open "I'll just eat them for myself" he said smartly.

"No. Fucking. Way" you emphasized, gaining some confidence. Nothing got between you and free food.

He pulled the bag open, and pulled a stick out with two fingers. He held it a quarter of the way from his mouth, looking at you patiently. Slowly you leaned forward, biting the tip of the strawberry flavored end. The taste of sugar lingered on the tip of your tongue.

"Ready?" He said through his teeth.

"Mhm" you said, smiling through the candy.

Both of you took off, devouring at the stick to see who would reach to the center. He was getting closer to winning than you had liked and you took faster bites.

Getting so caught up in the competition that the feeling of his lips pressing to yours almost surprised you. He felt so good and smooth, there was heat radiating on your face. You savored the tinge of sweetness that hung on his lips.

Both of you pulled back, letting out a breathy exhale in response. His face was as pink as the strawberry label of the box. You must have been the same,

"I think I won Noya~" you said with a sly smile. He nodded furiously, the phone in his pocket buzzing. Your awkward phrases and blushed had been saved by the bell.

"Yeah, ok" he nodded "see you soon" he hung up.

"Looks like the guys wanna meet back up" he said. You stood up and started walking alongside him. The stroll was silent, but it seemed slower, as if both of you didn't want the night to end. You snuck your flickering side glances, and he did too.

Once you met back up with the guys Tanaka threw you a painfully obvious glance. You looked down at your phone, it was getting late. The rides were shutting down too, and you told them it might be best to head home.

All this social interaction had you exhausted, and your eyes drooped. You started walking away before you felt somebody spin you around.

"I forgot to give you this" Noya said, pressing a small plushed charm into your hands. "You really do, look beautiful today" he said softer, letting go and rushing off. "Goodnight!" He called out as he ran and caught up with the rest of the guys.

It took a while to realize the charm was in your hand, it was a pastel pin kitten. You twirled the chain ring around your finger as you walked home. Holding the token closer to your chest.

(A/N ITS SO CUTE.?!@:":8 anyway- I hope you liked it. I know my #1 fan and bestie did. 👁‍🗨👄👁‍🗨 Im watching you b) LOVE YALL FOR READING THIS BYEEE

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