Part 5

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(Firstly, Isn't this^ just the cutest!!! Not my art tho I found it online. Second, I've just had major art block trying to come up with this chapter so sorry if it sucks lol) 

*Authors POV*

"I don't know. The first thing that popped into my head was truth or dare." Y/n laughed lightly.

"Mm" Aone hums.

"Ok I guess I'll go first." Y/n says, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." He responds.

"Ok...... lets see...what's your biggest worry? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

He thinks for a moment before answering. "That no one will sit with me on the bus." He says embarrassed.

Y/n just absolutely melts inside. "Omgomgomg" She thinks. "That is the cutest thing ever!!" She squeals in her head.

"A-ah ok. Well I'd definitely sit next to you."

Aone sits up so that he's on his elbow looking up at y/n. Y/n does the same and turns towards him.

"I really do like her. Why is she so nice to me?" He thinks.

"Gosh I like him so much." Y/n thinks and then blushes. "What no!" She mentally scolds herself but deep down knows she really likes Aone.

"O-ok, now it's your turn to ask me!"

"Ok, truth or dare?" Aone asks.


He thinks about all the things he could ask her. "Do you like anyone? No that would be too personal." He scratches that question off the list. "What's your biggest worry? No, it wouldn't be cool to ask the same question she asked me."

"You sure are thinking hard about this." Y/n interrupts Aones thoughts.

He nods.

"Well what's something that you'd like to know about me?"

"What's happening at your home? No I could never ask such a personal question. But I really want to know." He thinks again.

"Just ask it! Off the top of your head what do you want to know about me?"

"Everything." He then blushes realizing what he said.

*Your POV*

"A-are you sure everything? That's a lot." You say so happy that he actually wants to know about you.

"Sorry I don't know why I said that."

"It's ok." You reassure him. "Well where should I start?"

He shrugs.

"Ok.... Well I guess we can start with....." You think but everything is like super personal and just too much for him to handle. "I guess we'll start with when I moved and how that was. Is that ok?"

He nods.

"Ok, well I moved from (Wherever either where you live or pick a place.) and that was around spring time. I didn't really want to move but I guess I'm glad we did or else this would have never had happened. Once we got settled in I got a summer job at this pool. Pools aren't really my thing but it paid ok......" You talked on and on occacionaly checking up on Aone to see if he was getting bored. Each time you ask he would just go.

"No, keep talking." He just kept listening about everything you told him.

It was so easy talking to him you almost told him about your parents. Almost. But then you thought back about that one night where she really hurt you. You still have the many bruises she left you with. You started to tear up. Aone caught on to this.

"We can go to bed now if you want." He told you, unsure about how to handle this situation.

"Sorry." You laugh nervously. "I don't know why I started crying." You smile.

Aone could tell it was a fake smile. "W-what's wrong" He asked with a concern look. (Well he tried to make it concerned but again it just looks like he's mad) 

"Nothing sorry." You say turning around in bed. "I want to tell him so bad but then what would happen? Should I tell him? I feel bad for just shooting him down like that. I'll either regret telling him or regret not telling him. Ugghhhh I don't know what to do!!! Ok lets just do what you want to do ok? So I want to tell him so just tell him!!" You psych yourself up to actually tell him. "No! cause then he'd see me crying and I do not look good while crying. Just do it y/n!!" You were torn, while poor Aone thought he did something wrong.



"It wasn't actually nothing." He doesn't say anything. You turn over to face him. "Look, it's just like I said that one time on the roof, things aren't going good at home." You hesitate.

He nods. "D-do you want to tell me?" He asks.

"It's kind of serious. And I don't really know how to tell you."

He looks at you waiting for you to tell him.

   (Ew feelings. But ig it's good cause now we will learn about y/ns past. Also I know this is shorter than my other ones but I had no idea what to write TmT And btw the next chapter might take a while to come out cause again, don't rly know what to do.)

Aone x Reader (Fluff)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ