Chapter Two

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Dear Diary,

Today was the worst day of my life. Last week, I lost my way home from work and had to ask Oikawa to come find me. A few days ago, I accidentally left my wallet at a store and lost it. Yesterday, I forgot how to drive my car and almost got into an accident.

I knew something was wrong. I went to the hospital to get a checkup, hoping the doctor would be able to figure out what was wrong with me, and he did.

The doctor told me I had Alzheimer's disease. He said it was different for everyone, but common symptoms were memory loss, confusion, trouble with once-familiar tasks, and making decisions.

He also couldn't tell me how much I would forget.

So here I am, writing this diary just in case I do forget everything. I'm scared, in all honesty, I really am.

I don't want forget all the people I love.

I don't want to forget my parents, my family.

I don't want to forget my friends.

I don't want to forget you, Oikawa.

And most importantly, I don't want to forget about us.


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