ASTER FLUME WAS immediately aware of the bell ringing off as Ronald Weasley came strolling through the front door. Honeydukes seemed to get a little smaller. She watched him move, subtly, as she helped out a couple of Hogwarts visitors with their purchase.

She couldn't help but think of what the Three Bromstick's barmaid had said. But she couldn't avoid the swelling her heart did at the sight of him, with his firey hair and tall, wiry frame. Ron stood a head above many of the visitors, taller than most. It was true, what Lana had said. He had been thinking of her, just as Aster had been thinking of him.

How strange, Aster mused, that he would want her too.

Aster held her breath as Ron's dark, second-hand boots crossed the walnut wood floors, landing in front of her register with a cautious step. She peered up at him from under her lashes and drew a nervous air. "H-Hello."


Aster smiled softly and started to restock the small candies around her register counter. Ron spoke first, cautious but confident. "Do you have time to chat?"

"Not really," she admitted. "I've got an after-lunch rush."

She watched Ron's freckled face fall, knocked down a little from his initial burst of confidence. Aster quickly added, "I get off at 8, though."

"Well, I've got an hour for lunch," Ron said, looking at the pairs of couples and elder women all looking to purchase sweets for loved ones. "Is there anything I can do to help out?"

The offer was sweet and completely unnecessary in Aster's mind. Who would want to give up their lunch hour to help at a candy shoppe? "No, that's not necessary -- we don't take volunteers," Aster giggled.

However, a chirping laugh cut through Aster's words. Caelia Flume had emerged from the back office, holding a velvet parcel of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons for Aster's change drawer. "-- Well, don't be silly, Aster. We are never ones to shy away from strong hands." Caelia winked at her mortified daughter and sent the Weasley a nod.

"It would be such a help for us if you could assist Aster with some rather large crates in the back. We've just got a delivery in." Aster's mum reached out a hand and Ron shook it. "Caelia Flume, Aster's mum."

"Ron Weasley, ma'am."

Caelia smirked and pat Aster's shoulder. "Did you hear tha'? Ma'am. I like this one, Aster dear." Aster's face flushed and she stepped away from her mum's grasp. "I'll cover the register while you two sort out the mess the lads left back there."

It was a slightly uncomfortable corner that her mum had painted her into. But, Aster knew she was more nervous about being around Ron alone than whatever her mom was conspiring towards. Aster firmly planted her delicate, pale hands deep into her jean pockets, hoping to keep them secure, to keep them from touching anyone they shouldn't.

"Follow me, then," Aster told Ron as they made for the back office. Her mother had never gotten involved like that before, and Aster wondered if her mum had been reading Rita Skeeter's articles lately after all. It was no coincidence she merely happened to invite Ronald Weasley in as a volunteer.

They stepped through the old, wooden shop and Aster help open the regal, teal door that led to the back office and down to storage. Ron didn't wait long to strike up a conversation, feeling the edge of silence a little too sharply.

"I've never been this far back into Honeydukes," he commented, earning a genuine laugh from Aster Flume. He watched her tranquil eyes dance in amusement. "What?"

Chocolate Frogs ◌ Ronald WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now