chapter six

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third person pov;


it was finally the weekend. and jisung could also finally get away from the tension that seemed to always be held at the office with minho.

the rest of the week was just the same as his first day and the two had only learned a few things about each other. yet, jisung felt uncomfortable and awkward at the tension he still hadn't known what was, while minho acted like a gentleman. everyday he took them out for lunch and dinner, then drove him home after work. it was nice, and jisung started to feel even more attracted to minho day by day. but not attracted physically.. it was like a magnetic pull that intrigued him to know more.

*knock knock*

"come in!" jisung shouted from inside his room. he was sat on his bed while going threw some work on his laptop.

felix popped in with a mischievous smile on his face, "hey there sungie~"

"oh gosh.. what do you want lix?" jisung exhaled.

"hello to you too." felix rolled his eyes and sat onto the bed with jisung, "anyways. you. me. clubbing. tonight." felix smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"um- i don't know lix.. i'm not really the clubbing type." jisung whined lightly.

felix scoffed and threw down his body to lay on jisungs legs, "please~ sungie!! just tonight? i want to go out with you and you look like you could use a fun night out." felix pointed to the tense boy.

he wasn't tense for any specific reason at the time, he just seemed to be naturally tense now 24/7.

jisung tried to relax his tense body to show that felix was wrong, even though he was dead on. "fine. but only tonight! anytime after, im not going." jisung raised his eyebrows and pointed his finger to be assertive.

"yay! okay, i won't drag you out again.. not anytime soon that is." felix winked towards him before jumping off the bed, grabbing jisungs hands to pull him up, "now go shower! so we can get ready!" felix excitedly clapped.

jisung nodded his head and grabbed his towel from off the chair in the corner of his room.


jisung finished showering and went into felix's room after styling his hair and doing light makeup, because felix demanded that he dress jisung for tonight.

"why can't i wear my own clothes?" jisung whined.

"no offense ji, but you dress like an old lady. your clothes just aren't meant for clubbing, okay?" felix shrugged and walked over to his own closet.

he brought his finger up to his face and tapped his chin as he thought about what would look good on jisung. "aha! this will look great on you."

felix brought out a pair of baggy black ripped jeans, along with a baby blue crop top, and butterfly socks that would go with his shoes.

"here! put it on!" felix shoved the clothes into jisungs arms.

jisung got up and put the clothes on as felix went threw his jewelry to accessorize jisungs clothes.

"put these on too. and then you can wear my black boots, okay?" felix nodded.

jisung took the chain and put it around his neck, and added the couple rings and bracelets that felix handed him. he slid on the boots that felix had handed him and told him to wear.

"okay.. how do i look?" jisung asked.

"hmm.. there's something missing.." felix observed jisung from head to toe, "oh! i got it!" felix ran into their shared bathroom and came back out with jisungs contact lenses that he rarely wore, mostly because he found them hard to put in and take out.

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