"Uncle Dami!" she yells, pounding her other fist against the wooden door. "Uncle Dami, open up!"

"Sparrow," Damian groaned as he lazily swung the door open. "what is the meaning of-"

"I want to place a bet!" the young niece exclaims, waving the cash hastily with her arm. "Six dollars that daddy proposes to my mom by the end of the night!"

"Um, Sparrow, I don't think I could-"

"Shut up and take my money!"

The youngest uncle of your daughter was struck by her persistance. Though he had formerly questionable morals, Damian Wayne could never have the heart to take advantage of his niece like this. Regardless of technical terminology, he viewed the blue-eyed girl as his sister.

As enough silence passed between the two, Sparrow sighed in defeat; knowing he was too stubborn to take the cash.

Maybe stubborness runs in the family?

"Fine..." she muttered, staring at the ground to avoid meeting the green-eyed Wayne's gaze. "if you won't take my money... Alfred!"

Within seconds, Alfred arrived at the scene.

"What appears to be the matter, Miss Sparrow?" the elderly butler inquired.

"Uncle Damian won't let me play his game! I even brought my own money!" she whined in response, followed by a childish pout. "Can you take my six dollars and bet for me?"

"Miss Sparrow, you know that I certainly won't take your money if your uncle won't accept it." Alfred reasoned, which was further met by an agreeing nod from Damian and a frown by your hurt daughter. "However... I suppose there's no harm chipping in some money of my own in your name."

The azure-eyed child beamed at the sight of her grand-uncle pulling out some dollar bills out of his own wallet and handing them to the blood son.

Damian's eyes widened as he counted the cash that Alfred just handed to him. "Pennyworth... you might be biting off more than you can chew here."

"It's no issue, Master Damian. I'm honored to bet in Miss Sparrow's name." Alfred replied, clearly unfazed.

"Alright, suit yourself."

Moments later, Dick Grayson arrived at the Wayne Manor to pick up his daughter following his shift from the Blüdhaven Police Department.

"Where's my little ray of sunshine?" His voice boomed throughout the halls of the Wayne Manor, causing his energetic daughter to rush towards his presence.

"Daddy!" the girl yelled from excitement, running straight into her father's arms. "Do you think we can still pick up mommy? You worked too late again!"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that, lovebird." Dick replied.

"Pay up suckers! Ms. Soon-to-be-Grayson is in the house, y'all!"

A loud, boisterous, feminine voice echoes all about the manor as you stride into the main corridor of the Wayne residence. You hold both ring fingers into the air; the left finger graced with a silver band and a glistening diamond embedded in the centre.

"Say what now?!"

It was only then, Bruce, the remaining batboys, Alfred, Duke, and Cassandra approach the Graysons; the slender butler hands the stock of money to his grand-niece.

"Congratulations, Miss Sparrow. One thousand dollars in your name." Alfred says.

"A thousand dollars?!" Dick exclaims; dumbfounded. "We only chipped in six bucks! How did we score an extra five hundred?"

"Consider this an early engagement present, Master Dick." the elderly man answers, followed by a single nod of affirmation.

"Hey, foul!" Jason cries out, frowning down at the quite cunning (H/C)-haired girl. "Sparrow, didn't we tell you to not tell your parents about the bet?"

"And didn't I tell you that my parents said it isn't okay to keep secrets, Uncle Jay?" your snarky daughter remarked, sticking her tongue out towards your soon-to-be brother-in-law.

"Oh didn't they?" he says, redirecting his gaze towards your fiancé and yourself; a devious glint shone in his emerald eyes. "Well then, I guess there's no better time to explain why mommy's been screaming out your dad's name at night-"

"Shut up, Todd!"

On instinct, your lover took it upon himself to cover your precious child's ears as the father-daughter pair, along with the rest of the Wayne clan, simply watched as you chased down Jason in a fury of rage; spewing death threats while the latter bellowed evil laughter that filled throughout the manor.

This family was going to be the death of you.

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