"little girl, aren't you too confident? You might regret this. " Shigaraki warned her.

"don't worry, just do as she says."  her father spoke again and with one last look, Shigaraki activated his quirk, at first, you can see cuts forming in her exposed arm but then it dissappeared in seconds as a light green glow emits from her hand entering the insides of Shigaraki from his hands.

"her quirk protects her from any physical harm so her regeneration of cells is very quick, so these types of quirk means no harm." her father again spoke, explaining her quirks.

"very fascinating daughter you have Akida, she will be an useful tool for him." Shigaraki stated.

From the side, Dabi noticed the slight change of expression from the girl as Shigaraki made the statement but soon recovered her usual cool composure and she let go of his hand.

"all done, do you still have any discomfort left in your body?" she asked.

"no, just a little tired than before. "

" i could only convert your quirk to energy to enhance your immune system and recover the broken tissues since there are others to check up, the fractured bones are healed but you'll have to recover your stamina and energy through resting." she explained.

"awesome Asa-chan! Me next! " Himiko raised her hand. Fumiko checked on them one by one until lastly, it was Dabi's turn. She held his hand as the same glow emits from her  hand as it travels through his body, bringing a warm sensation around his body where the light travelled. Her eyes closed as she concentrated her mind.

Dabi looked at her the whole time, he observed her figure until a sudden thought came to his mind, if only things were different, his old man would have probably paired him with a woman with a great regenerating abilities like this just to produce a strong quirk like his without getting burned. He quickly shook off the thought as she was finishing up.

"that will be all. Feel free to come to me if you feel any discomfort in the future. " she said to them all.

" good work my daughter, you may take your leave, go and get some rest before dinner." her father ordered as she bowed to him again and slowly rise up from her kneeling position. She suddenly become lightheaded and stumble down a bit, Dabi braced for her impact out of instinct but the young woman quickly recovered.

"my apologies, i must have drained myself too much." she apologised but her cool facial expression remained the same.
"it's okay daughter, let shinzou escort you. Shinzou, escort the young mistress back to her room, she must rest." he ordered the servant as they took their leave.
The others too were soon escorted in their own room to get some rest.

The evening rolled up as the sun sets in the east, welcoming the dark skies, full of diamond like stars. Dabi sat down in the balcony after having an eventful dinner with the others as toga and twice recovered their strength and full on active mode. He escaped the noisy party and into his room balcony, the stars lit up the sky brightly away from the city lights. Since a very long time, he decided to relax his muscles as he breath in the fresh air.

From a distance, he saw a lantern being carried by someone, a woman to be exact. He recognised that the girl wearing a white kimono was no other than the young mistress of the household. His suspicion since the afternoon led him to follow her in the forest.

After walking some distance, he followed her to a small stream. The moon was exceptionally bright in that area as it lit up the waters. Then slowly, the girl proceed to take off her clothing and approach the waters taking a dip, cleansing herself as she softly chanted a prayer.

Dabi wasn't a pervert who would spy on naked girls but it was more of curiosity that made him stood his grounds.

She repeated the same action seven times and turn around to head back to land, she picked up her robe, as she covered her body, she spoke out,
"why don't you just show yourself instead of hiding in the bushes like a perv."

If Dabi was caught off guard, he didn't show any signs of it in his face though. He came out of his hiding spot and stepped in the light.

"You know, i didn't think the cool headed villain would be a pervert who use to stare at naked ladies in the forest." she said as she fixed her robe.

He continued and kept a straight face, and asked the question, "you don't seem like you really support your father's beliefs in Him, do you?"

For the first time, she looked him in the eye, violet and blue clash as they both stare deep into each other's eyes.

"you're quite observant, Dabi or should i say Touya Todoroki, son of Endeavor."

This time, he couldn't hide the surprise look on his his face as his eyes widen. "how did you know that?" his tone never changed though.

"you're not the only one who knows about others, well, i had quite the advantage when you let me check you up today. So i know a few things about all of you." she said with a small smirk playing on her lips.
"don't worry, i have been collecting so many memories that it's not even fun sharing it anymore, besides, i don't have anyone to tell in this god forsaken place i call home." she said with clear distaste dripping at the end of her speech.

"how much exactly can you do?" he admits that the girl have one very impressive quirk.

"you want to know more about my quirk?..... Ok, fine, I'll tell you" she said slowly approaching him, "my quirk is healing, i can heal injuries, physical pain... And also, the pain inside." by now, her face was only a few inches apart from his as her fingers slowly traced his chest, palming his heart area.

"i can heal this pain inside, i can remove this deep deep hatred that have spread it's roots around your heart." her fingers drawing circles around his chest as she lightly stand on her toes, angling her face as if she was about to kiss him.
"all you have to do is ask." she whispered, her breath puffs across his face.

Suddenly, he put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her away as he walked into the dark forest with a deep frown on his face.

On the other side, Asa was smiling to herself as she touched her lips lightly.
"what an interesting villain you are, Dabi."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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