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After the failed mission of abducting Bakugou and their leader getting captured, the league of villains was left weak and vulnerable and in dire need of refuge. They head to the secluded mountain forest to seek shelter within the Hira Clan, also known as the healer tribe.

The chirping of birds, the whistles of bugs, the rustling sound of leaves, other than that, no sound was made, no words were spoken, until Himiko broke the silence,

"Shigaraki-kun, are you sure we're heading the right way? It seems to me that we're lost." she whined, but who can blame her, they have been walking for 18 hours straight in the endless rows of trees and leaves, their face shows clear signs of exhaustions, except for the black haired blue eyed villain.

"patience Himiko, were almost there."
Shigaraki answered, he too looks even more tired than he usually looked like.

"who are these people anyway?" this time Twice was the one who asked the question.

"they're a healer tribe, their clan leader, Akida Hira is also a follower of All For One. He will provide us refuge." no one spoke after. They soon reached a big house that has a flower emblem on the wooden gate. A man in kimono opened the gate and approach them, bowing his head.

"we have just received the information of your arrival from the Elder, please come in. " the man spoke and led them inside the mansion. They followed the man around the massive house. The house looked like one of those old school Japanese mansion and Dabi wasn't much of a fan as he has too many memories from these types of houses that he wishes to bury deep in his memory.

The man took a halt next to a large room and softly spoke to the person inside, "Master, your guests have arrived." he was replied by a voice inside the room saying, "let them in"

The group entered the room to find man, all dressed in a kimono, one could easily guess that he's the leader as every part of him reeks authority and Dabi hated that, it was all too familiar.

"come and have a seat," Akida offered as they sat down the matted floor.
"you all must be exhausted and injured, rest for now" he spoke and looked at the servant who was standing on the side, "go and call my daughter." he ordered.

"so tell me, has the elder one really been captured? " he asked.

"your information is correct, but this is just the beginning, we must lay low before we strike again," Shigaraki answered.

"very well, and we'll provide all the help we can afford. "

Just then, the door slides open and a young woman with hair as dark as the night and eyes of dark violet, dressed in a kimono entered the room.
" you asked for my presence father?" she slightly bowed before raising her head a bit, slowly inspecting her father's guests.

"Asa, these are our guests, they will be staying with us for a while, and in need of aid, why don't you please inspect them." he said and continued introducing her, "she's my daughter Asa Hira, she has remarkable healing quirks that surpasses mine, please let her check on you."

"as you wish father" she bowed again as she approaches them, firstly Shigaraki.
"may i?" she asked as she asked for his hand.

"be careful Asa-chan, you might turn to dust." Himiko pointed out with the same crazy smile on her face.

"don't worry, just give her your hand." her father reassured and so Shigaraki gave her his hand. Dabi closely observed them, he thought this might turn nasty but then it caught him by surprise as nothing happened to the girl as she touched Shigaraki hands, on top of that she spoke, saying,
"can you please activate your quirk, i need to trace the flow."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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Taming Fire (Dabi x OC) (One-Shot) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ