Prologue:Brother and Sister Reunited

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Westminster Palace
I'm walking back and fourth in the throne room at Westminster palace waiting for my mother, my uncle and my Brother who just took the crown from the York's. I look at the white rose flags and I look at the York grooms "The reign of the White Rose is dead and now a new king will sit on the throne my Brother," I said looking at them , then the doors of the Throne room open and in walks in my brother Henry Tudor with a crown on his head then he looks in my direction and smiles "Kitty is that you," Henry asked walking towards me slowly. I smile at Henry "Of course it's me brother," I said with a smile then Henry hugs me "I missed you Kitty," Henry said while hugging me "Finally the Tudor twins are reunited at last," said a voice Henry and I turn our heads to the voice it was our lady mother Margaret, behind her walks in my Uncle Jasper Tudor I run up to him and hug him "Kitty look at you all grown up and beautiful," Uncle Jasper said with a smile looking at me. After that my mother walks towards Henry and Henry picked up the York flag "Burn them and band the snow from falling I want nothing white in England," Henry said and drops the flag "This is yours now Henry your Kingdom and Throne," Said Lady Mother. "Where are my rooms," Henry asked walking out of throne room uncle Jasper, Margaret and I follow Henry to the King's chambers. When we walked into the room "This is the king's room and I'll take the Queen's room," Margaret said I look around then Henry said "Where will Kitty sleep Mother," Looking at mother "She can sleep with you or with me," Mother said looking at Henry "I'll sleep with Henry Mother," I said mother smiles at me "I almost forget Kitty do you want to tell your brother about your marriage,"Mother said Henry looks at me "I have been betrothed to the Duke of Normandy do you accept the marriage brother," I said then Henry hugs me "I'm so proud of you sister of course I accept this marriage," Henry said. After that mother wrote a letter to the Dowager Duchess of Normandy that Henry approved my marriage to her son Philip the Duke of Normandy.
Author Note:
I don't own The White Princess
I own the character Katherine Tudor and others.
All pictures are from Pinterest.

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