They met with Lily and Marlene on their way up to the common room, "what happened to you guys?" Marlene giggled, 

"we died" Clara said sarcastically, they both gave her an annoyed look.

"I'm kidding!" she laughed, and they grinned, 

"well we're headed up to bed you coming?" Lily asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hangout in the common room for a while" she answered, and they nodded and walked up the stairs. 

"Tough crowd" James mumbled, and Clara laughed at the remark,

"yep" she replied, and her and James shared a look and burst out laughing, they all ran up quickly as to not get caught by McGonagall.

Later on...

Clara was sitting in the boys dorm with them, as they talked and laughed, they were all in their pajamas, eating food they snuck from the kitchens. 

"I thought you'd be going home for the holidays, Vixen, Prongs" Remus spoke to them.

"Ha! And miss a chance to prank everyone, never!" James laughed, 

"I'm with James, besides Hogwarts is my home" she shrugged smiling, they all smiled at her. 

"Well I guess  it's time for me to go, good night guys!" Clara got up a few minutes later, 

"you can always sleep over you know" Remus mentioned,

"that's right" Peter smiled sweetly.

"Thanks guys, I think I'll head down to the common room for a while" she smiled and left. 

No one was in the common room except for Clara who was reading the book Lily got her for Christmas. 

"Someone's staying up late" Sirius grinned as he walked down to the common room and sat beside Clara. 

"Hello Sirius, thought you'd be asleep by now" she pointed out without taking her eyes of her book, 

"fancy a game of chess? It helps me get sleepy" he shrugged, she nodded and closed her book getting up. 

"Tell me Sirius" she began as she got out her chess set, "how does a game of focus help you sleep?" she smirked, and Sirius laughed.

"Well you see, I pour all my focus into the game causing me to become sleepy" he said making his first move on the chess board, 

"I see" she smiled and nodded playing her turn. 

They played for two minutes before a tired-looking Peter stumbled down the stairs, "what's the time" he groaned, 

"about 9:30pm" Clara answered, Peter ran back up the stairs to his dorm groaning. 

"I think that's our que for bed" she informed Sirius getting up, 

"but I can't sleep!" he whined.

"Probably because you didn't try sleeping" she rolled her eyes laughing, 

"cause I know I won't be able to sleep" he corrected her smirking.

"Right, and what am I supposed to do about that?" she questioned him,

"keep me company perhaps?" he threw his hands in the air.

"Fine, but I'm reading my book and you're shutting up, got it?" she made her way to the couch, "by the way, does the map work yet?" she asked him curiously. He nodded silently, "are you not going to answer me?" she snapped in his face, he nodded aggressively in return. She gave him an annoyed look, 

"what? You did tell me to shut up remember?" he smirked, 

"fine you can talk" she grinned looking down at her book. 

"Watcha reading?" he scooted over to her,

"Little Women" she answered showing him the cover, 

"muggle book?" he asked, she nodded and continued reading. "Do you not hate muggles?" he questioned, 

"I don't hate them" she said then hesitated, "I hate when they interfere with a pure-blood bloodline" she muttered. 

"You actually care about blood purity?" he laughed, 

she nodded, "a bit" she smiled and turned back to her book.

"Sound like my mother you do!" he laughed, 

"Do NOT compare me to that treacherous woman!" she slammed her book aggressively. "I'm nothing like her! And the fact that you would consider that! Absolutely ridiculous!" she shouted furiously.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it upset you that much" he mumbled,

"does she not hurt you! And your father too! I could never be anything like them!" she finished.

"Woah woah woah!" James walked down the stairs followed by Remus and Peter, "couldn't keep your voice down could you, Vixen?" he groaned, "what did Padfoot do?".

"Nothing" she mumbled glaring at Sirius with her head down, 

"oh how ironic isn't it Clara shouting for no reason!" James stated sarcastically before heading back up to his dorm, and Peter followed him muttering. 

"What happened, you two?" Remus rubbed his face tiredly, 

"nothing" Clara repeated sitting down on the couch once again. 

Remus sat down beside Clara and put his head on her shoulder, "you aren't sleepy yet?" he asked with a soft chuckle, she shook her head. 

"Je suis désolé de ne pas vouloir vous offenser s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi" (I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, please forgive me) Sirius whispered as he sat beside her on the couch. 

He played with her hair for a minute before she answered him, "c'est très bien" (that's all right) she smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder before falling asleep with Remus on her shoulder.

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