Several unfruitful phone calls later, I had been unable to get on the line with Merlin. Alban didn't have his phone number and he wasn't listed in the phonebook, which left us without many options. Well, it left us with one option, and that was driving to New York ourselves. We'd gone back and forth on the decision, but ultimately decided to keep the number of people to a minimum, which meant it was just Alec and me.

We left almost immediately and drove through the night. It was early in the morning when we reached city limits. Alec directed me through Brooklyn and then told me to find parking, which was easier said than done.

"We'll crash at Magnus's," he said decisively.

That was the best call. I figured the best way to plead with Merlin was with a solid plan, and right now, we didn't exactly have one. I hadn't even met Magnus Bane, although I was getting a little worried as Alec started spewing warnings.

"He can be a bit much," he said for the sixth or seventh time as we walked down the block and approached a set of stairs. "And he's dramatic. Melodramatic."

"I'm sure he's wonderful," I replied.

Whether or not I fully believed that was up for debate, but I was fully aware that Alec was in a relationship with Magnus, and since we were appealing to Magnus for help, it was best to start off on a good foot.

We reached the top of the stairs and Alec let himself into the building, then Magnus's loft with his own key. I glanced around, trying to take in the details. Something reminded me of Katia Kirchoff's apartment, but I could tell, even in the dim lighting, that Magnus had even better taste.

"Magnus?" Alec called softly.

I followed him further into the loft, stopping in a sitting room for sorts. There were overstuffed chairs, a decorative coffee table, and stacks of books that looked like they came straight out of the Watchers' archive. A door opened and Magnus Bane strode--strutted?--into the room. He was striking, in part due to the glittery makeup on his face, and maybe because his outfit was so distracting. He wore a long black coat studded with metal rivets that matched his chunky boots. His hair was dark and slicked up, but the most intriguing feature were his eyes. His eyes were greenish gold, and his pupils were slits, like cat eyes.

"Alexander," he said, greeting Alec with a hug and a peck on the lips. Alec flushed at the show of affection.

Then Magnus turned and gave me the onceover, an openly judgmental expression on his face. Melodramatic was right.

"The Slayer," he said slowly. "It's been a while since your kind has crossed into the Shadow World."

"That was strangely cryptic," I noted, sticking out my hand. "Elodie LaBerge. Thanks for meeting me on such short notice."

Magnus reached out a manicured hand with black nail polish and firmly shook my own hand.

"Well, I have the misfortune of knowing who Nikovage Bloodhunter is. I consider this a public service," he replied. "I've pulled several potential spells, but I don't want to get your hopes up. To undo such a powerful spell is a difficult undertaking. Are you certain Circe performed the ritual during a lunar eclipse?"

"That's the intel both the Watchers and the Rangers have, so I'd assume it's true."

I did not like the face Magnus pulled.

"Then I can't do anything to reverse it," he said with a frown.

My heart dropped. I could have told him that over the phone and saved us this useless trip.

"But," he said, and I tried not to get too hopeful, which was difficult. "I might be able to make a weapon that can kill him. My contacts at the Spiral Labrynth are looking for a text that should help. I'll also need the Cup of Life. I understand you know its whereabouts?"

Killing Nikovage BloodhunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin