The First Step Which Shatters a Bone

Comenzar desde el principio

     Their hero training today was some sort of large-scale rescue training at an off-campus site.  (Y/N) wore her gym clothes.  She still didn't know what her hero costume would even look like.  Frankly, she didn't really care.  She'd never wanted to be a hero, it was her mom who had pushed and begged and pleaded for her to try out for U.A.  It was unfortunate she got in.
     "Wait, who is that?"  (Y/N) asks Ashido as the class was dazzled by someone who looked like a marshmallow.
     "That's Thirteen, silly!"  Ashido states.  "Do you know any pro-heroes?"  
     "Um, not really.  I mean like All Might and... stuff.  But I don't really follow pro-heroes and all.  I don't watch the news."  
     "How do you plan on being a hero without having an idol?"  Ashido laughs.  (Y/N) awkwardly laughed along.  She knew U.A. was probably the last place for her to be announcing that she really didn't care about heroes and villains at all.  It was neat, yeah, and the balance of justice was nice, but she didn't really... care.  
     They wander inside, standing in the foyer as Thirteen introduces the place.  It was grand, that was true, though (Y/N) still wasn't necessarily excited about it.  
     "...yes, but it is a power that can kill easily."  Thirteen states.  "Some of you also have quirks like that, right?"  (Y/N) blinks a few times, trying to mentally process.  In a few short moments, she had decided she hated this woman.  She knew in her rational mind that it wasn't directed for her, but she hated her.  
     And with that, she was back in her head.  She wasn't thinking about what she normally did.  She was seething, honestly, with rage.  

     "Gods."  She huffs to herself.  She wasn't really listening to whatever some of them were murmuring about, probably raising praises.  She was annoyed they'd hired so many people to show up here and play villain.  She was extra angry that they had lied about what they were training for today.  And, she remarked to herself with a scowl, if they were going to get whoever they could, could they at least make them easy on the eyes?
     She crosses her arms, wondering why they were getting closer.  Shouldn't the teacher have let them get started on this training by now?  Or was he planning on letting them all get acquainted first?  
     "Fine."  She whines to herself in a low whisper.  Maybe if she just charged in there, they'd all go for it, too, and then she could drop out and hide.  Maybe she'd get expelled for running in and then she wouldn't have to be at a hero school anymore.  
     So, (Y/N) begins towards the stairs.  Their teacher was getting prepared to jump down.  She watched until he did, but nobody cared to follow, making her huff yet again.  She slings her body over the railing, falling fast as she slid her hand down the wall in a pathetic attempt to slow her speed.  Thankfully, she was able to grab onto a tree branch which immediately jerked her to an almost stop and she hit the ground just outside of view with no injuries.
     Can I really get this many people?  There's quite a few.  She thinks, glancing around to make sure she saw each of their faces.  
    She decided to go for the creepy hand guy.  Since he wasn't doing anything, he was probably thinking out an attack plan, so he was going to be the most trouble once the time came.  She didn't know if she could even hold the big purple dude next to him, and she certainly couldn't hold Mr. Vortex, who quickly disappeared.  
     And the script these guys had!  They really could only come up with "League of Villains!"  (Y/N) almost chuckled to herself as she hid in the treeline.  What a stupid name.  She figured people hired by U.A. would be more creative than that.  

     I don't want to.
     I don't want to.
     I don't want to.
     I nee-
     I can't.
     I don't want to.
     I don't want to use it.
     But what else can I do?
     I have nothing with me.
     I don't want to.  
     I don't want to.
     I don't.
     I don-
     But I need to.
     But I don't want to.
     I don't want to.  
     She huffs in a sigh.  Pulling back her leg, she lunges forward and kicks the concrete wall with all her force.  She watches as her leg splinters and shatters.  Then she watches as the legs of the villains' splinter and shatter alongside hers.

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