Pandora Sing Crystal Castle/Molly's Theme

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For so long I have been sad and alone 

Here in my tower of crystal and stone 

Spring's warm song will comfort me till you're here 

Letters of hope give me one final smile 

And my dreams take flight, my treasure's right in my sight I can will anything, 

Memories will sing to me I'm no longer alone 

I'm a queen on my throne Dreams always whirling 

Never ending stories And they keep me going

Here in my castle of crystal and stone 

Cruel dreams of despair may tear at my pride 

But, courage and wisdom flashes in my mind 

 My new light makes darkness cower and cry 

Weakness may chain my wings down for the night 

 But, I will become free and bravery's all I need I can win anything, and remove the sting in me

I've become brave at last Not afraid of the past 

Dreams are apart of me Pain tries to capture me But, I know I'll surely be free

Free of my castle of crystal and stone.

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