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Dixie: I can't even right now..a f*cking 40% on my test!? Bullsh!t!
Addison: Its alright Dix. Maybe next time
Dixie: Yeah right! And that next time is never! Anyways the nerd invited me to study tonight. But I'm gonna make him do something else *laughs*
Addison: That's my bad b!tch!
*A few hours later Dixie goes to Noah's house a.k.a nerd*
Dixie: Hi nerd
Noah: Hey Dix
Dixie: So..let's go to ur room?
Noah: Let's go
*In the room they're studying*
Dixie: Its getting cold in here *takes her shirt off so she's just wearing a bra*
Noah: Oh um..
Dixie: I'm uncomfortable..*goes onto Noah's lap*
Noah: Dixie what are you doing?
Dixie: *slowly takes his shirt off* I wanna..f*ck u
Noah: But I- don't u hate me
Dixie: No..who said that
*Dixie takes all of her and Noah's clothes off*
Dixie: Can u put it in correctly!
Noah: I- I'm sorry I've never done this before
Dixie: Of course u haven't! Your just a nerd. But don't worry.. Ill teach u
*Dixie takes Noah's d*ck and puts it in her hole*
Dixie: Now g-o upp and doo-wn
Noah: Okay *goes up and down and strokes in and out*
Dixie: Mmmm f*ck ur good at this! Go faster!
Noah: *goes really fast* Like that?
Dixie: Y-es ohhh FUCK *MOANS*
Dixie: That was fun *winks*
Noah: Y-yeah
Dixie: Now don't put ur clothes back on
Noah: Why?
Dixie: I'm staying the night. And we will both sleep naked. I have a habit that I cant sleep without a d*ck next to me
Noah: Why though?
Dixie: Because I'm addicted. If I have a sudden urge of getting d*ck I start doing it at night.
Noah: thinks: Woahh that's weird
Dixie: Come in. Lay down with me.
*Noah and Dixie lay down in bed with a blanket but their fully naked*
Dixie: *touches Noah's d*ck and puts it in her ass*
Dixie: I know..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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