ʚ ch. 1: the witless pricks ɞ

Start from the beginning

"You guys are so cool!"


"We love you!"

                    Scream after scream, flash after flash, and step after step, while rejecting every gift offered to them, Bu Eun-kyung resists the urge to barf on the spot. The boys continue walking the same motion as hers, an exasperatingly slow motion, all the while charming the girls around them just with their mere existence. Although they are not truly against each other, they do not particularly in harmony when you put them against each other.

                    Bu Eun-kyung was about to proceed to move past them, but didn't continue when she felt a presence behind her. She is not mistaken by that sense, when she attempts to slightly glance behind. Her character smoothly moves to the side, giving way to a girl seemingly disheveled and in a rush while holding a box of art materials. However, since she keeps on running, she ends up crashing towards Oh Nam-joo. As a result of that collision, the art materials fly all over the place and some land on Nam-joo's uniform. Not only that, she also lands on Nam-joo's body while accidentally pecking his cheek while they both fell to the ground. By the looks of Nam-joo's face, this means trouble. Everyone gasps in shock and terror when this happens, excluding Eun-kyung.

"What is this?!"

"What are they doing?"

                    This time Eun-kyung's eyes finally roll as she considers their reactions unnecessary. "Stand up!" she says, close enough to bellowing, motioning the girl to stand. Eun-kyung walks forward as the spectators split with a space enough for her to pass. The girl tries to stand, but slips on fake flowers on the floor, crashing another time on Nam-joo's chest. "Sorry," she says empathetically, almost scared. The plastic aspirers from her class, standing beside the scene, scoffed at her clumsy actions, deemed pathetic. Eun-kyung sends an icy glare towards them which leads them averting their eyes from her but to every direction possible. Eun-kyung grabs the poor girl's arm, forcing her to up.

                   "Name?" Eun-kyung whispers at her nonchalantly while still holding her arm.

                    "Yeo Joo-da," Her answer fused with fear. When Joo-da notices Nam-joo's state on the ground, she becomes worried. "Oh my. What do I do? I'm so sorry." she says warily and falls down on her knees again levelling herself to Nam-joo's uniform. With hands shaking, she brushes off the stain on his uniform.

                    "Don't touch me." Nam-joo says coldly without even meeting her eyes.

                    "But... I'm sorry." Joo-da says. Nam-joo shoves her away as she gasps. Eun-kyung picks her up once again quite irritatingly.

                    He finally stands up, brushing off the debris from his uniform while he sighs, infuriated. "You ruined the art supplies and my school uniform," Nam-joo mutters as he glares at her. He touches his cheek as well, heaving out a big sigh. "And my face too. Are you out of your mind?" Joo-da looks down regretfully, hiding her face. Some students remain silent due to the tension, while others murmur in scorn and confusion, and the plastics make gestures that inflict threat towards Joo-da. However, a person who often has no mercy, Eun-kyung firmly steps on one of the girls' feet with her heels. Before she screams in pain, "Try making a scene, I'll make sure you'll lose all of your toes." Eun-kyung whispers quietly to the trio. The fairly sharp edge of her heels remains in place and also the girl's pained face, while some students stare at them strangely but also frightfully. "As for you," Eun-kyung says, pointing the tip of her sunglasses at Nam-joo. "Your arrogance reeks. Surely you're having fun." She continues, mocking him.

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