Till the end of the world, till death do us part -1

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Eddy was still a little bit tired but yet grateful for the sleep he got. He knew he had a long night in front of him, either way.
He tried not to rush, take his time, tried to eat a decent breakfast, he took a nice shower, he dressed properly, nice black pants and a hoody. He packed a white shirt and his suit jacket. Even nice shoes. And Brett's bow tie.
This had to be as perfect as possible.

He tried to even feel a little bit happy when he arrived the unit, happy to finally see him again, but the only thing he could feel in his heart was when I leave, tonight or tomorrow, Brett is not in this world anymore.

He arrived at 12, he got an appointment at 1, and Brett's family would drop by at 2. It was perfect.
Let's just hope Brett's feeling fine!

-Hi love, how're you feeling?
Brett was shining as soon as Eddy walked into his room.
-I'm good! Missed you heaps though!
-You've got lunch, huh?
-Yeah, well, I'm actually not allowed to eat or drink that much now. Brett rolled his eyes. -As if that's a huge problem! But I wish I got a little bit more to drink. The meds from yesterday made me nauseous and thirsty. I'm on morfine right now, feeling a little bit high actually. He chuckled. -At least I'm in no pains, and that's been a while! He chuckled again.
Eddy could tell Brett was high. He looked a little different, and he was more talkative than Eddy could remember. He didn't mind though. Brett seemed calm and.... happy, if you can call it that, and that was all that mattered.
-We should try not to wear you out, your family is coming to see you in 2 hours.
-I wanna cuddle, come here?

Eddy helped Brett move onto his side and make room for him.
Brett couldn't help but notice Eddy wearing his nice pants.
-Are you going to work later?
-Huh? Oh, Yeah! I'm playing at a party while your family's here, thinking they would like to have some alone-time with you. I'll be straight back after! He assured, kissing Brett soothingly and calming, hopeful to stop him asking. That didn't work that well though.
-Where's your violin? Can you play? Can I play it?
-God, Brett! Will you please shut up!! You're not allowed to play at the hospital, I'm sorry.
-No! Eddy laughed. -Please Brett! Just shut up and kiss me, huh?
Eddy laughed inside, remembering times out with Brett, how insanly nagging he was when he had had a little too much to drink. Talking aaall the time. Looong sentences Eddy didn't even bother to listen fully to.
He stroked his face and kissed his dry lips. Brett felt dehydrated, so...DRY, yeah. Like a dying flower. Eddy wanted so badly to just pour lots of water on him, in every hope he would recover.
He knew he wouldn't though.
And even if Brett was a little high, he was still very tired. Eddy could feel how he struggled to lift his arms and wrap them around him. His eyes looked blurry and his speach was slurring. And he was talking over himself, mixing up some things. He sounded different, he looked different, he felt different!
But Eddy reminded himself that this was his Brett.

Eddy kept watching the time and 12.45 he tried to find an excuse to rise.
-I just gotta... move. Got pins and needles. Your bed is really not the best! he tried. That was a lie. He could easily have slept there and then. Brett had cooled down a bit, which was perfect really.

Eddy's hands were shivering and his heart racing while he slowly knelt by Brett's bed and opened the box with the 2 rings.
-Will you be my husband Brett Yang?

Brett almost fainted before a rush of red colour spread out his whole face and, even if he was dry, some wetness formed in his eyes.
-Like, seriously? Now? Is that possible? Like, are you sure?
Eddy snickered.
-Please answer me Brett, the floor is hard, my knee is aching!
Brett laughed hard, and Eddy closed his eyes just to saviour the sound, keep it inside him forever.
-No buts, please! Eddy rose. -Either we do this now, and you pass as my husband, or we never get to do it, right?

-You like them? Since we like, talked about it a while ago, I kind of chanced on you axcepting it, so I bought them yesterday, and even stressed the hell out of me to get them ingraved! Do you know how difficult it is to get someone to do that on the fly?? Luckily I was able to buy Marie on the Queen street off, she called Dave and got him to do it.

Eddy's heart pounded in his ears. He had been so nervous and now all the energy was leaving his body, through his mouth appearently.
Brett smirked. -What did you do? Did you fuck her?
Eddy laughed hard.
-Oh, come on, that girl is so hot for me, it was enough with me blinking at her and waggling my eyebrows.
-You're SO HOT when you do that! No wonder why she rolled with it.
So.. Eddy just had to do it. Of course he had. He blinked and wiggled his eyebrows.
-Ok, I'll marry you, you duchebag. Look what you got ME doing, mr. Good-looking!

The moment Brett struggled but yet managed to slip the ring on his finger, with his own stiff and aching ones, was a moment Eddy would remember as well. He was sure to take a picture though. Their hands wouldn't be together much more.

Brett, in his foggy mind, had forgotten how these things actually were done, he seemed to have forgotten it was more to it than a proposal and rings.
He seemed confused when the priest stood in the door, right at 1 o'clock.
-This is legit, Eddy said and ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead before he rose.
-But...like... I don't think I'm fit for a party right now.... Brett was rambling in his confused morfine-fog.
-Take it easy hon. It's just gonna be us. And you just have to say I do.
-Ok. I can do that! I do! He said, smiling widely.

Eddy went to the toilet to dress properly while the priest took some time chitchatting with Brett, who was showing off his ring with a childlish, proud demeanour.
Eddy felt a sting in his heart, wishing Brett could've been himself while they did it, this wasn't the way it was suppose to be!
Why didn't we do this earlier? When we talked about it??
Well, now they just had to make the best out of it.

Eddy entered the room again with his suit on.
-Are you leaving for work now?? Brett looked at him with terrified eyes.
-No baby, that was a lie. I'm not performing today. I'm dressing up to marry you. Have to look good for my man you know!
-You should dress properly yourself! Eddy leaned forward and tied Brett's bow around his neck. And acted like he straightened his hair.
-There you go! You look amazing!

Eddy sat down on Brett's bed and held his hand. The priest did the "ceremony" as short as possible, yet Brett was exhausted and started closing his eyes. A little bit because they were dry and sore, mostly because he was sleepy.
Hopefully he get something out of it! I hope he knows what he's actually doing! Eddy thought, even though it didn't matter in any other way than the emotional, for any of them. It was legit, but Eddy would be a widower within a couple of hours, it'd have no impact on his life on the practical side.

Yes, I know what I'm doing Eddy, I just wish we'd done it ages ago! On the other hand, this is perfect. Just perfect. I wouldn't have died happier than now, knowing I'm your husband. Finally!

-I've waited for this my whole life, Brett whispered before he fell asleep.

Eddy thanked the priest and left the room, figuring Brett needed a little rest before his family arrived.

He went down to the cafe, bought himself a light meal and tried to eat and rest. He didn't even change his clothing, he suddenly noticed, when he got a glance of himself in the polished window ahead. He felt out of it. Out of himself. He looked at himself again. Sitting there alone, in a suit, a new ring on his finger, it was so new it was shining, and his body language revealed he was heartbroken. Devastated.
He looked like he had been left with the altar. Or... a newly wed widower. Which was exactly what he was. Soon to be at least.


With a movement full of angry energy he tossed the food in the garbagecan.
Then he broke again.

He went outside, into the insanly hot sun, only to feel like burning, but there was a little wind stroking him, and that felt very refreshing.
It felt rinsing in a kind of way, to be able to sit there and just cry his heart out, with nobody being around.
Nobody being around to FIX him. Eddy didn't need to be fixed. He needed to let it out, being able not to be strong, just for a couple of minutes.

He had been strong for so long. SO long!
Just a few more hours. I got this! For him! My... HUSBAND.

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