"Really? Because I just called your name four times, and you didn't hear me."

"You slept past noon, and you're wearing the same dress as yesterday, love," Polly pointed out. Lilian looked down and sighed, realizing her mistake. She hadn't had the energy to change the night before, and she was in too much of a rush this morning to do it.

"It's nothing. I can handle-" She was cut off by Finn running into the room. She immediately plastered a smile on her face and beckoned him towards her. He jumped up on her lap, and she put her cigarette out. Finn was her escape; he had been since the day she met the boy. "Hey, little man. Do you need something?"

"I just wanted to see Arthur," he replied. He turned to face his brother, a small look of disgust flashing across his face.

"He's fine, buddy. Arthur just needs to rest up, and he'll be back to play soldiers with you in no time," she said. Finn's expression turned back to a smile when he heard this.

"Finn, why don't you go see if John has anything for you to do. Tell him Aunt Polly needs you to an important job," Polly offered, wanting to return to the conversation they were having before the boy interrupted. Finn nodded happily and slid from Lilian's lap.

"Bye, Lily! Bye, Arthur!" he called as he ran from the room. Lilian watched him go with a small smile. Once he'd closed the door behind him, Polly turned to face Lilian.

"What's going on, Lil? You can't hide it from us forever," she reasoned. The young woman shook her head.

"One day, Polly, I promise. I'm not ready yet." Lilian knew she should tell them all, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Telling people meant it was real, and acknowledging it was real was something she wasn't ready for. She felt alone, even if she wasn't.

"Alright..." The three sat in silence for a while before Lilian stood.

"I'm making lunch. Do either of you want anything?" she asked. They both shook their heads. She patted Arthur lightly on the shoulder and pressed a kiss to Polly's cheek, blushing wildly as she did so, before moving into the kitchen. She made lunch for herself and Finn, before searching for the boy and bringing him inside to eat.


Two days later, Lilian sat in the parlor nursing a drink. She held the glass gingerly, sipping and staring into the fire. The peace of the evening was hindered by a door slamming and who she could only assume was Arthur yelling. He was upset about Monaghan boy winning or something. She could hear the soft hum of Thomas's voice as he responded calmly and decided to leave it be. She continued to drink until Thomas came into the parlor, shutting the door behind him. She stood when she noticed the blood staining his white collar.

"What the fuck, Thomas. Are you alright?" He shook his head.

"I'm not hurt, Lil. Blood isn't mine," he said plainly. A shiver ran down her spine. Sure, she was a Peaky Blinder, but she'd never get used to the violence that came with this life.

"Who's is it?" she asked meekly. He locked eyes with her.

"I can't tell you that." He knew she wouldn't like his answer.

"Who's fucking blood is it, Thomas?" she yelled. He took a deep breath.

"Danny." Her body went rigid.

"Is he alright, at least?"

"No, Lil. He's dead." Her stare went cold, and she hit his shoulder. She hit him over and over, her anger, fear, and sadness slowly tearing her apart. 

"Why. Didn't. You. Help. Him?" She punctuated each word with another strike. She refused to cry in front of anyone. It made her feel weak. Even now, when he had just told her one of her best friends was dead, she resorted to taking out her frustration on the closest person. Eventually, the blows became too much, and Thomas gripped her wrists tightly. Polly walked in from the kitchen just in time to see Lilian slowly sinking into a chair, Thomas guiding her by her wrists.

"Bloody hell," she whispered as she rushed over. "What's going on?"

"Danny's dead," Thomas explained. Lilian sat silently, her eyes glazed over. Polly's heart broke at seeing Lilian pushing them away again. She had just seemed to be feeling better. Polly kneeled in front of the woman, drawing her attention. Lilian threw her arms around Polly's neck practically falling in her lap. The older woman tensed before wrapped her arms around the younger protectively. She wasn't used to Lilian being so openly affectionate.

"I know. You're alright, Lil," she comforted. She sent Thomas away, continuing to console the heartbroken woman. When she finally drew from her thoughts, Lilian pulled away slowly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered dropping her head. Polly grasped her chin gently and lifted it to meet her gaze.

"Don't apologize, love." Lilian blushed at the nickname, and Polly smirked. "Let's get you to bed." They got up from the floor together before Polly grabbed Lilian's hand and laced their fingers. The latter trailed behind the former as they moved upstairs to her room in silence. When they made it to her room, Polly pushed the door open and walked her inside. Sitting her on the edge of the bed, she pressed a kiss to her forehead and turned to leave.

"Polly?" She turned back. "Thank you."

"Of course, Lil. Get some rest; I'll see you tomorrow," Polly said with a gentle smile. Lilian returned it, and Polly left. Lilian removed her dress and stripped her switchblade from her thigh. She set the blade and sheath on her nightstand before changing into nightclothes and laying down. She had a feeling she wouldn't sleep much that night, not unlike many others, but this time it was because of Danny. She would miss her friend dearly, but she was hoping it was better that he couldn't accidentally hurt himself anymore. He'd been troubled since he came back from France, and knowing that he wasn't in pain anymore brought her a small sense of peace. 

Lilian faded in and out of sleep for the rest of the evening and through the early morning, eventually falling asleep just as the sun came up. She slept for only an hour or two before redressing in a skirt and blouse, knife strapped securely to her outer thigh. Lilian made her way downstairs and began breakfast. She was disturbed by a large hand on her low back. She grabbed their wrist firmly, spinning them and pushing them against the counter with their arm pinned behind their back.

"Fucking Christ, Lil! It's Arthur," he said in a harsh tone. She let go immediately and smacked the back of his head. "You really need to stop doing that."

"Maybe you should stop sneaking up on me then," she reasoned. He laughed, and she joined him in doing so. "Go sit. The food will be ready soon." He followed her instructions, leaving the room with a shake of his head and a chuckle. She was putting food on plates when Polly stepped in. "Morning, Pol." 

"Morning, love. You need any help?" Lilian smiled brightly.

"No, you can go sit with Arthur if you like. I'll bring these out in a minute," she said, gesturing to the plates. Polly returned her smile and walked over, pressing a kiss to her temple. Lilian tensed for a moment, heat pooling in her cheeks. Polly noticed and let out an airy chuckle.

"If you say so." She made her way towards the dining room before stopping and turning to the young woman. "Oh, Lil, do you want to come with me to the church after breakfast?"

"I'd love to. Now, go. Sit. You do enough around here," she said, shooing away the older woman. When she finished filling the plates, she brought them out to the table and sat with the others to eat. After eating and taking the dishes to the kitchen, Lilian rejoined Polly, and the women walked to the church together.

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