Chapter.1 reef visit

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Nobody's P.O.V Yellow diamond was in rage she didn't want a new pearl but she had no choice in the matter so she made her way to the reef in her ship. She had arrived and step inside of the reef she didn't have time to make a pearl so she would just pick a premade one. Though none were to her liking most if not all were defective but one made her want to throw up.

Yellow diamond's P

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Yellow diamond's P.O.V How could any gem with a mind put that thing up as a pearl? I was at the reef looking for a pearl but all looked defective. This was such a waste of time I suppose I will just have to wait till later to get one. On my way out I noticed a sapphire she had a very pretty pearl walking behind her as a pearl should.

Now why would I let a sapphire of all gems have such a pretty pearl? I walked up to the sapphire and looked down at her folding my arms

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Now why would I let a sapphire of all gems have such a pretty pearl? I walked up to the sapphire and looked down at her folding my arms. The sapphire did a diamond sign before bowing along with the pearl "how many I help you my diamond?" the sapphire asked I looked down at the sapphire then the pearl.

"yes I want your pearl"

I said she gaped at what I said but kept her voice down "m-my pearl?" she asked I growled before speaking. "yes did I stutter? you heard me I said I want your pearl" I said the pearl looked at me for a bit before her eyes went back to the floor. "well? you pearl come to me you now serve me" I ordered the pearl nodded and walked to my side with out saying a word. I walked to my ship with my pearl behind me the pearl stood her hands clasped oh so gracefully as I drove my ship. Once we arrived at the palace I went right to my office as most would call it I had a lo of work to do but I had to put it on hold to get a pearl at least my visit to the reef wasn't that big of a waste of time. But now I had work to do I pulled up a screen and looked threw some information before starting on a new project called project Black. I scan threw some letters from blue she sent me most were asking if I wanted to spend time together or if she could see my new pearl. I was getting sick of her sending all theses letters for no reason I looked over at my pearl who kept her hands clasped and her eyes on the pale yellow colored floor. I don't even know why I need a pearl in the first place I have no need for one. Although every time I ask white why I needed a pearl she should say it showed I was better and more high rank then others. If not this gem on my chest wasn't enough I knew the pearl was purple and I was yellow but her beauty made up for that. She was everything a pearl should have in her form but I haven't heard her speak perhaps she couldn't speak. "pearl?" I asked turning my head toward her the gem looked up at me then she spoke. "yes my diamond?" her voice was light and calm like blue diamonds pearl "pearl sing for me while I work" I ordered she nodded she she began to sing

There will come a soldier

Who carries a mighty sword

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

There will come a poet

Whose weapon is His word

He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

There will come a ruler

Whose brow is laid in thorn

Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai... oh

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

"And what song was that pearl?" I asked she looked to me before clasping her hands and looking at the floor. "its called Soldier, Poet, King my diamond" she said I nodded as I ordered her to sing it once more. With her singing it made it much easier to work some how since I had some free time I might as well see blue. I ordered my pearl to follow me as we make it to blues room blue sat on a large bed as humans would call it with her pearl brushing her long hair. "ah yellow! is that your new pearl?" she asked I nodded as my pearl did I small bow. "Has white seen her yet?" she asked "no not yet but I am sure white would like to see her soon.

I spent the next few minutes talking to blue till I white orb came into a room once the orb disappered it showed white's pearl her smile never leaving her face. "Yellow diamond white diamond wishes to speak with you" she said but I rather not call that pearl a she rather a it or a thing. The orb surronded me and my pearl as it took us to white that thing then went back to whites feet. "hello sun dust is that your new pearl?" white asked pointing toward my pearl who bowed. "yes she is a beauty isn't she" I said white nodded and smiled bigger "very well you may go now" she said as the orb reapered taking me and my pearl back to the office.

A new pearl Yellow diamond X pearl readerWhere stories live. Discover now